The next day.

After Li Zhenting sent the children to school, he ran back to the hospital without stopping.

 Xixi and Beibei have been very quiet these days. They eat and sleep every day, and eat when they sleep. When they wake up, they are very excited and dancing.

Li Zhenting took some of the work to the hospital to handle, and mostly handed it over to company executives.

Watching his wife and children every day, the time is quiet and the years are peaceful. He is very satisfied. His only wish is that Shen Ning can wake up soon and the family can live happily.

 A morning passed and Shen Ning was still sleeping.

After Li Zhenting finished his work in the morning, meals were delivered to Li's old house.

 He stood up and was about to wash his hands.

There was a knock on the door.

 He went up and opened the door.

 A flower girl came in holding beautiful roses.

“Who is this for?” Li Zhenting asked in surprise.

“Excuse me, is Miss Li here?” The flower girl was very polite.

"She..." Li Zhenting was about to say that she was not here when suddenly, a beautiful figure ran in.

“Cousin, I’m here.” Li Jiaojiao smiled.

Li Zhenting looked at the flower girl: "That's her."

 The flower girl immediately smiled with a smile on her face and politely said loudly: "Hello, Miss Li, these are the flowers given to you by Professor David. He wishes you to be young, beautiful and in a good mood every day."

As the flower girl spoke, she held the flowers in front of her.

Li Jiaojiao took the flowers with her hands, put them between her noses, smelled them, and smiled: "Such beautiful and fresh flowers, they smell good, I like them."

 “Thank you for your like, I’ll leave first.” The flower girl left with a smile.

Li Jiaojiao walked around the ward holding the flowers and inserted them beside Shen Ning's bedside. The roses brought by Li Zhenting by air had not yet arrived, so they were just inserted in their original position. The fragrance of the flowers was just right. It can float into Shen Ning's nose. "That's right. Someone is chasing you now, and the other person's status is not low. If you are willing, cherish it." Li Zhenting smiled.

This is indeed the first time a man has chased Li Jiaojiao! He is happy to see it.

"It's thanks to my cousin. If she hadn't been like this, I wouldn't have had the chance to know him." Li Jiao smiled shyly and sat down next to Shen Ning, "Cousin, you have to wake up quickly. Oh, seeing you lying like this makes me really uncomfortable. You are the most miserable in this life."

Li Zhenting was stunned for a moment and said nothing.

Li Jiaojiao leaned her elbows on the bed, held Shen Ning's hand, and started talking to her.

“Cousin, the woman I admire most in the world is you. You are my role model. You must be good and live happily with my cousin and children.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the door darkened and a tall man walked in.

 She raised her eyes and saw that it was Ji Qingshan.

Ji Qingshan had an expressionless face and held a plastic bag in his hand, not knowing what was inside.

He walked directly towards Shen Ning, paying no attention to Li Zhenting and Li Jiaojiao in the ward.

 “Please get out of the way.” He walked up to Li Jiaojiao and said coldly.

"Why, this is my cousin-in-law, I'm talking to her." Li Jiaojiao became angry when she saw his dead look, and asked angrily.

"Because I want to give medicine to Ning Ning, can you please let me go?" Ji Qingshan said in a serious tone.

"This..." Li Jiaojiao was unable to refute for the moment.

“Jiaojiao, get out of the way and let Professor Ji treat Ning Ning.” After hearing this, Li Zhenting hurriedly ordered for fear of delaying Shen Ning’s treatment.

Li Jiaojiao had no choice but to stand up.

"What is this thing? Why are you putting it here?" Ji Qingshan came closer and sat down on the chair where Li Jiaojiao had been sitting. When he raised his eyes, he saw the roses inserted on Shen Ning's bedside and raised his eyebrows. , reached out, picked it up and threw it into the trash can.

"Hey, you..." Li Jiaojiao was furious when she saw that these were the flowers given to her by Professor David, and he threw them into the trash can like this. What kind of person is this?

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