"Mommy, mommy." In the ward, Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao surrounded Shen Ning and shouted in a sweet voice.

 Shen Ning is still sleeping.

The little ones began to do their best to help mommy by rubbing her back, massaging, and squeezing her feet. They were very busy.

Shen Ning felt that her body was getting warmer and warmer, and it was no longer as cold and heavy as before, and her brain gradually became clearer.

 She was surrounded by warmth and the sun was shining brightly.

 The children's screams surrounded her, warm and warm.

 The bones and blood are connected, and the blood is warm.

 After the children shouted again, she opened her eyes suddenly.

"Mommy, Mommy." Xiaoxiao was the first to discover it. He was so surprised that he shouted repeatedly, "Come on, Mommy is awake."

Coco and Ding Ding immediately gathered around and shouted in surprise: "Mommy, Mommy, we are Coco, Ding Ding."

Shen Ning looked at the pink and tender faces of the three little guys softly. They were connected by blood and telepathy.

 Child, her child!

 Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao!

 She remembered them clearly.

 The flesh that fell from her body.

“Mommy, please get well soon, we love you so much.” Her little fingers caressed Shen Ning’s face, her voice was soft and her milky voice was sweet.

Shen Ning's eyes moved, a smile appeared on the corners of his lips, and he opened his mouth.

"Ning Ning." Li Zhenting had just carried Xi Xi to the bathroom. When he saw this situation, he was overjoyed and immediately gave Xi Xi to special care. He rushed to Shen Ning's side and shouted happily, "Ning Ning, you finally woke up. "

 He held her hand and put her hand on his face, very excited.

But Shen Ning just glanced at him briefly, and then turned her eyes to the little ones, her eyes soft and kind.

Li Zhenting stood up, carried Xixi and Beibei, and brought them to her. He asked affectionately: "Ning Ning, do you remember them? Xixi and Beibei, they are also your children."

“Yeah, yeah.” The two little ones probably recognized their mommy, raised their little hands to her, and babbling in baby words. Shen Ning smiled again at the corner of her lips, opened her mouth, and wanted to speak, but her mouth was bitter and astringent, and her throat was dry and she couldn't make a sound.

She looked at the children quietly. After a while, she closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

 Next, she spent more and more time awake every day, and her eyes became brighter and brighter.

As long as the children are around her after school and call her, she will wake up and look at them smiling with love in her eyes.

Li Zhenting was very happy watching her interaction with the children.


For so many days, she never opened her eyes when he was by her side. She would only open her eyes and wake up when the children came around and called her mommy.

Although Li Zhenting was a little disappointed, he was still very happy that Shen Ning could wake up.

On the third day, after returning from kindergarten, the children lay next to Shen Ning and chattered as usual.

Shen Ning opened her eyes naturally when she heard the children's voices.

“Mommy.” The three little ones shouted in unison as soon as they saw her open her eyes, all smiling.

 Shen Ning had a slight smile on his face.

"Water, water." She opened her mouth and spoke with difficulty, her voice coming out of her throat small and hoarse.

 “Mommy, what are you talking about?” Xiaoxiao put her ear up.

"Water, I want to drink water." Shen Ning licked her dry lips.

"Okay, Mommy, I'll pour it for you." Xiaoxiao immediately went to get the water glass.

"Xiaoxiao, let daddy come." Li Zhenting was taking care of Xixi. After hearing this, he quickly put down Xixi, took a cup and poured some water and walked over.

"Ning Ning, come here, drink water." He bent down to help Shen Ning up, took a small spoonful of water and put it in her mouth.

Shen Ning swallowed slowly, and finally drank half of the glass of water.

 From this moment on, she obviously got better and started to drink some porridge.

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