Early in the morning the next day.

Li Zhenting woke up the children first, took care of them to wash up, and then brought breakfast to the hotel.

 After the children had breakfast, he sent them to school.

"Mommy, we will come to stay with you after school." Xiaoxiao would talk to the sleeping Shen Ning before leaving every day, her voice sweet.

 After speaking, the little guy looked at mommy and prepared to leave.

 But today

As soon as she finished speaking, Shen Ning seemed to hear her and immediately opened her eyes.

"Mommy." Xiaoxiao was very surprised, "It's great that you woke up so early."

Shen Ning looked at her with a smile.

 “Mommy.” Coco and Ding Ding also gathered around.

 Shen Ning's smile grew stronger and stronger.

“Ning Ning.” Li Zhenting was very happy to see her and shouted affectionately from the side.

Shen Ning moved her fingers and looked at the cute little faces of the children. She wanted to reach out and touch them, but she couldn't lift her hand.

"Mommy, we have gone to school. I will come over to accompany you after school in the afternoon." Xiaoxiao squeezed Mommy's finger and said sweetly.

  Shen Ning blinked, indicating that he understood.

 Coco and Ding Ding both laughed.

“Let’s go, we’re going to be late.” Li Zhenting touched the children’s heads and said softly.

“Mommy, goodbye.” The children said goodbye to Shen Ning one by one and walked out of the ward reluctantly.

Shen Ning didn't fall asleep again until the children disappeared.

Li Zhenting immediately rushed to his hotel after sending the children to kindergarten.

He personally urged the chef to make bird's nest fish maw porridge and nourishing soup for Shen Ning, and told them to send them to the hospital in time every day from now on.

Grandpa's illness will definitely not last long. He hopes that Shen Ning will get better as soon as possible. He wanted to take her and the children to visit the old man and see him off for the last time.

 An hour later, Li Zhenting rushed back to the hospital carrying tonics.

"Ning Ning, Ning Ning." He placed the tonic on the bedside, bent down and shouted softly.

Shen Ning did not respond. He lowered his head, and a slight breathing sound came from Shen Ning's nose.

 He smiled slightly and went to take care of Xixi and Beibei.

 Not long after, Li Jiaojiao came.

 The little girl wore a sweatshirt today, showing her youthful vitality.

 She first visited Shen Ning and the children, then sat and played with her mobile phone.

 As soon as I sat down, Professor Davell and Ji Qingshan came to check the ward.

“HELLO, Miss Li.” As soon as Professor Davell saw her, his eyes lit up and he immediately greeted her warmly.

"Hello, Professor Dai." Li Jiaojiao smiled playfully, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ji Qingshan's sullen face, expressionless. After coming in, he just glanced at her coldly and then looked away, talking to Davel. The professor's enthusiasm was in stark contrast.

 Inexplicably, Li Jiaojiao felt a little angry in her heart. Ji Qingshan, the bastard, looked like he didn't recognize her. Not only was he rude, he simply didn't take her seriously!

 She snorted coldly, stood up, and walked to Professor Daville.

Although the roses Professor David sent her yesterday were not flown by air, he would not fly flowers just for a bouquet of roses. Besides, the flowers he sent her yesterday were pretty good and they were carefully dressed up. Yes, it will cost a lot of money, and he is just a doctor, so he is not as rich as his cousin. At that moment, the sweet and gentle voice of Yinling said:

“Professor Dai, how is my cousin-in-law? How long will it take for her to get better?”

“Ms. Li.” Professor Davell’s mouth was sweeter than honey. “My cousin’s brain is recovering very well and her body is getting better day by day. Don’t worry, she will get better soon.”

 He and Li Jiaojiao actually called Cousin Shen Ning together.

Li Jiaojiao was so excited when she heard that, she glanced at the expressionless Ji Qingshan standing next to her, and thought to herself, it’s not like I don’t know, but after a comparison, I realized that Professor Davell is such a gentleman and considerate person. Good man.

“Cousin, give these medicines to my cousin later, she will get better soon.” At this time, Professor Davell gave some medicines to Li Zhenting and called him cousin.

 He should be older than Li Zhenting at that time!

“Okay, thank you Professor Dai.” Li Zhenting happily took it.

Li Jiaojiao was very happy next to her.

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