Outside the ward, the sky was gloomy, the north wind was howling, and the weather forecast said it was going to snow.

Li Zhenting turned the heating in the ward to maximum, climbed onto the bed, hugged Shen Ning from behind, and held her in his arms.

"Ning Ning, do you miss me?" He gently caressed her skin and asked affectionately.

Shen Ning lay on this familiar chest, closed her eyes and said nothing.

"Ning Ning, I love you." Li Zhenting whispered in her ear.

 Shen Ning buried her head in his chest.

Li Zhenting gently stroked her face with his fingers and lifted her face up.

 After that, he lowered his head and kissed her lips uncontrollably...

Such a beautiful moment has indeed been waiting for too long for Li Zhenting, and it is also very precious.

He couldn't stop.

 Gradually, my head became hot, my mind lost, and the lips kissing the woman's lips began to go down...

Shen Ning's breathing went from embarrassment to shortness of breath, and her cheeks were red. When the man's kiss was too intense, she started to have a headache. Some pictures flashed in her mind. Her fingers gripped his arm tightly, and the tips of her fingers pierced into his flesh. .

The pain made Li Zhenting wake up.

He suddenly remembered something and hurriedly let her go.

Shen Ning was already sweating profusely and panting.

"I'm sorry, Ning Ning, I was so excited that I forgot about my feelings." Li Zhenting hurriedly wiped her sweat, feeling heartbroken.

How could he be so unable to control his feelings? She was still a patient now. How could she withstand his torture? She had just taken a shower and was sweating all over...

He used a towel to wipe the sweat on her face and body, and his movements became gentler and gentler... After that, he ran into the bathroom and took a cold shower, then climbed into bed, put her in his arms, comforted her, and fell asleep. Not daring to touch her at all, he also fell asleep.

 Afternoon time.

 Li Wanqing is here.

 She was carrying big and small bags.

 I was very happy when I came in and saw a slight blush on Shen Ning's beautiful face.

Shen Ning narrowly escaped death and escaped another disaster. "Ning Ning, thank you for your hard work." She hugged Shen Ning, excited.

Shen Ning is still the same Shen Ning, the daughter-in-law she likes. Those indecent photos were all made by that vicious woman Shen Mei. She was deceived by Liang Ruqi, which made her feel even more guilty about Shen Ning.

 She hugged Shen Ning for a long time, unwilling to let go.

"Mom, Shen Ning is almost out of breath, let her go quickly." Li Zhenting looked at Shen Ning's blushing face and reminded her hurriedly.

"I'm sorry, I forgot." Li Wanqing woke up quickly and let her go quickly.

 Then she started to get busy.

“Ning Ning, come on, drink some chicken soup while it’s hot.”

“Ning Ning, this is the blood swallow porridge I cooked. I drank it to replenish qi and blood.”

"This is pigeon soup. I've been cooking it for almost a morning...Drink more. You are weak now. You need to nourish yourself to get better quickly."

 She opened the things she brought over little by little, scooped them out for Shen Ning to drink.

Shen Ning couldn't drink at all. During this period, Li Zhenting also asked the chef to make all kinds of food and drinks for her every day, and she was already tired of it.

 But this was Li Wanqing's wish, she had to drink.

"Ah, Zhen Ting, Shen Ning's lips are chapped. How did you take care of her?" Li Wanqing sat on the edge of the bed and watched Shen Ning's lips become a little dry and cracked while drinking soup. She immediately called Li Zhenting over and lectured, "Also, look at the back of her hands, which are all red. Why don't you put some lotion on them?"

Li Zhenting took a look and saw that the broken skin on her lips was his work. Shen Ning's skin was so delicate that it couldn't withstand his passionate kiss because he was too passionate. As for the back of her hand, it was injured by a bad person and it's still not healed.

At the moment, he said with a smile: "Mom, I will pay attention next time."

“You men are just careless and don’t know how to take care of others. You must learn this well.” Li Wanqing persisted.

“Okay, Mom, I will learn.” Li Zhenting promised.

Li Wanqing just gave up.

 It is always good to be cared about.

 The corners of Shen Ning's lips curled up slightly.

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