The next day.

After sending the children to school, Li Zhenting just returned to the ward when he came over in cold blood.

 He brought a lot of information over for Li Zhenting to sign, and reported on his work in the past few days.

"Mr. Li, according to internal information, there is a big shot secretly protecting Shen Mei. She will most likely be released on bail." After finishing his work, Lengxue suddenly told him about Shen Mei's affairs in the police station. Reported.

Li Zhenting's eyes flashed coldly, and he immediately asked: "Who wants to protect her?"

"The details are not clear yet, but I heard from people at the police station that this big shot is very powerful. No one in the imperial capital can match him in terms of financial and material resources. He also has a huge overseas network. If he takes action, Shen Mei will be in trouble." There are eight or nine who can come out safely." The cold-blooded sword eyebrows were condensed tightly.

This woman is so bad, and she has had plastic surgery to look like a young mistress. If there are big people behind her helping her, there will definitely be another **** storm, which he doesn't want to see.

Li Zhenting sneered: "Shen Mei is the daughter of Shen Deshun and Lan Feiyun. She is at best a third-rate person in the imperial capital. What big shot would help such a bad woman behind her back? Besides, Lan Feiyun is dead, and Shen Mei is a useless person at best. Damn, what big shot would be so ignorant as to do such a wicked thing?"

 Lengxue nodded: "That said, someone is indeed protecting her now. This is very strange."

"Go and find out immediately and tell me. I will never allow the murderer who hurt Shen Ning to go unpunished. This is unfair to the injured and a violation of the law."

"Okay, I'll go check it out right now." Lengxue received the notice and left in a hurry.

 In the reception room of the police station.

The dignified and elegant man stood by the window, with a calm and restrained demeanor, and his sharp eyes shone with starlight.

Shen Mei walked out with her hands in handcuffs and her hair disheveled.

"Your family is here to see you. If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly." The prison guard left a message beside him and walked out.


Shen Mei raised her head in confusion.

Does she still have family? If her mother is dead and her father is drunk somewhere, who will come to see her?

 But when she looked up. A man dressed in noble and extraordinary clothes was standing in front of him. He was so tall that he didn't dare to let her look up at him.

 She was stunned.

Lin Shouyu slowly turned around when he heard the footsteps.

"Brother, brother." Shen Ning was stunned for a moment when she saw his face, and then a dazzling light burst out in her eyes, "Have you received the paternity test? I sent it to you."

How could she forget? Didn't she just recognize a biological brother? He is her biggest support.

Lin Zhenxun is a plutocrat in the United States, and his power and status far exceed that of the Li family.

If he is willing to help her, not only will she be able to escape, but in the future, her life will also be a beautiful place with infinite scenery. With such a status and blessing, what else does she have to fear.

 “Yes, I got it.” Lin Shoyu nodded, his eyes filled with surprise.

"Brother, brother, you are my brother, please help your sister who is suffering." She was so surprised that she shouted repeatedly, with tears of excitement on her face, like a drowning person encountering a life-saving straw, she directly He rushed towards Lin Shouyu.

"Don't get excited, speak slowly." Lin Shoyu didn't know what to call her for a moment.

He has already learned about her case. Obviously, she is not the Shen Ning they imagined. She just had plastic surgery to look like Shen Ning. However, he and her have already done a paternity test, and they are biological siblings.

Facing the hard facts, although he was more willing to admit that Shen Ning was his sister, his ideal was full and the reality was too skinny. In the face of scientific evaluation, he could only accept his fate.

 He is an older brother, he can't just ignore his sister.

“Brother, you must help me, I don’t want to go to jail, I don’t want to stay here.” Shen Mei clutched Lin Shouyu’s sleeves tightly and cried out, her tears falling in chains.

"Is your original name Shen Mei?" Lin Shoyu held her hand and asked.

"Yes." Shen Mei lowered her head, "Brother, I'm sorry, I've embarrassed you."

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