"Meimei, why are you doing this? You want to have plastic surgery to look like Shen Ning?" Lin Shoyu was really puzzled. Is it comfortable for a woman to completely plastic surgery to look like another woman? is it necessary?

"Brother, I don't want to either. This is what my mother asked me to do. If I don't do this, she will scold me and beat me. As you know, she is not my biological mother. I am just the child she raised." She is a money-making tool. She keeps using me to make money and get rich. She forces me to do anything. I can't help it. This time, she actually asked the driver to drive me over. I am heartbroken and have seen through her. Because of her character, I wanted to get rid of her a long time ago, so when I saw her falling into the sea, I didn’t even try to save her. She deserved it. I knew I had committed a crime, but I didn’t want to do this. Ever since I was a child, I don’t have a biological mother, and my biological father loves me so much, I’m so miserable.”

Shen Mei cried loudly as she talked!

Lin Shouyu's heart was touched, and his face was moved by it.

He and his father have been looking for his biological sister for so many years. Now that she is with him, how can he watch her suffer and ignore her.

You can imagine how they came to be with such a vicious woman like Lan Feiyun when they were young. Before, they just didn’t know, but now that the paternity test results have come out, this is the best salvation.

"Meimei, don't be afraid. My brother is here and I won't make it difficult for you. He will protect you from now on and let you live a good life." He reached out and patted her arm and wiped her tears with a tissue. .

"Thank you, brother." Shen Mei was elated. She originally thought she would die, but she didn't expect that such a brother suddenly came here. She really didn't deserve to die. "I will definitely be filial to you and dad in the future."

"Fool, we are brothers and sisters. It is natural for us to help each other. Don't be so arrogant. Just be filial to your father." Lin Shoyu looked at the handcuffs on her hands and feet, his eyes a little colder and warmer. Yan comforted her.

"But brother, I'm afraid..." Shen Mei suddenly thought of Li Zhenting.

That man is so powerful, will he allow Lin Shoyu to rescue him?

"What are you afraid of?" He asked immediately after seeing the fear in the unkempt Shen Mei's big eyes.

Shen Mei thought about it for a moment, then complained with tears and runny nose:

"Brother, do you know? I have liked Li Zhenting since I was a child. I love him as much as my life and I even saved him. But Li Zhenting doesn't like me at all and bullies me. I gave birth to Lan Lan and stayed with him for six years, but Not only did he not give me a title, he kicked me out and sent me to prison. Moreover, because of his love for Shen Ning, he ignored my children and treated me like garbage. Now, I pretend to be His beloved woman, Shen Ning, he wants to kill me. If you rescue me, he will be angry, and I'm afraid it will be detrimental to you. In the imperial capital, Li Zhenting's power and position is unmatched."

She was cautious, with tears streaming down her face, and looked like she had been wronged a lot.

Lin Shoyu just smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll leave it all to you. You don't have to be afraid."

A calculating smile flashed across Shen Mei's eyes, but it was a pity that Lin Shoyu couldn't see it.

"Brother, actually, this can't be entirely blamed on Li Zhenting. I can only blame that **** Shen Ning. She pesters Li Zhenting all day long to please everyone in the Li family. She is very scheming. I am not her opponent. I have stayed in the Li family for six years. "Because I am outspoken and don't know how to play tricks, no one in the Li family likes me." She complained bitterly and cried loudly.

"Meimei, don't cry. Things are different now. Now you have me, dad, and the Lin family. We are all your support. Everything will be different." Lin Shoyu patted her shoulder to comfort her. Looking at her, "Please be patient for a while and wait for me to rescue you. Then I will take you home. Dad is still at home waiting for us to return. He misses you very much."

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