"Dad, do you miss me too?" Shen Mei's eyes sparkled with stars, "That's great, I miss him too, and I really want to be filial to him, but he definitely doesn't want to see me. After all, I made a mistake. I have been in jail and don’t know how to please others. He will definitely not recognize me and will scold me. I... I’m sorry for him, I didn’t be a good person.”

  She started to cry again, tears streaming down her face, and she was so miserable.

Lin Shouyu felt inexplicably sad when he heard this.

A little girl who was just born has grown up without the care of her relatives for so many years. How could she be as perfect as Shen Ning? It was already good to grow up, so how could she be asked to be like that? Well, totally impossible.

 They thought too well!

"Meimei, don't be anxious. Brother will explain everything to Dad. Dad will definitely not blame you. Don't cry. Just wait patiently for brother's good news. Brother will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation. In the future, you Even if you have members of your mother's family, the Lin family will definitely let you live a happy life." He held her hand and promised sadly.

"Ah, brother, thank you so much. You must not abandon me again. I have been abandoned once in my life. I don't want to be abandoned by my relatives again." Shen Mei threw herself into Lin Shoyu's arms with tears in her eyes. In my arms, I choked with sobs.

"Don't worry, it won't happen. I'm your brother and I will definitely not abandon you." Lin Shoyu stroked her hair and tidied her hair.

 At this time the prison guard came in.

After Lin Shouyu explained a few more words, he turned around and left.

"Brother, I'm waiting for you to pick me up. I will be here waiting for you every minute." Shen Mei shouted at his back.

Lin Shoyu turned around and nodded heavily: "Don't worry, I will do it."

"Thank you, thank you." Shen Mei cried and laughed until Lin Shoyu turned around and left, a happy smile flashed in her eyes.

 If the guess is correct, she will be able to leave this ghost place soon.

As long as she leaves here, she will be greeted by a glorious tomorrow. In order to compensate her, the Lin family will definitely give her the best things, so that she can live a real princess life.

Had I known that there was such a good thing, why would I have needed plastic surgery to look like Shen Ning!

 Life was so wonderful to her that she almost jumped up and cheered.

 Director’s Office.

"Mr. Lin, do you want to bail her out?" Bureau Li was very surprised after hearing Lin Shouyu's intention.

Such a vile woman, with so many crimes, could even kick her biological mother, Lan Feiyun, into the sea and drown her at a critical moment. If such a person were released, she would harm society and would be unacceptable.

But Lin Shoyu looked calm and said coldly: "I don't care what she was like before, but she is my biological sister. I have done a paternity test with her. Now I have finally found her relatives. I must save her. I can't Watching her suffer, in the past, she was too young and ignorant, and was led astray by women like Lan Feiyun. This cannot be entirely her fault. From now on, when I take her home, our Lin family will treat her with the best teacher to get her on the right track.”

"But Mr. Lin, this law..." Bureau Li was in a dilemma.

Lin Shoyu waved his hand: "Li Ju, I know it's difficult for you, but don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you. Shen Mei is our Lin family. Our Lin family has her place in the United States, and she also has her new wife." Identity, she is not restricted by your laws, and she is not the main culprit, Lan Feiyun is. She was forced to do bad things by Lan Feiyun, so she is not guilty of such a serious crime. I will If you have a lawyer to follow up, you can decide the sentence according to your laws, and I will follow the bail requirements."

What he meant was, even if you decide the sentence, I will pay the fine. Money is not a problem. If it is other problems, it is not a problem for him. The Lin family's contribution to the imperial capital will be given some face by the imperial capital.

"Okay." Seeing his firm attitude, Director Li knew that he had decided on this matter, so he had no choice but to agree.

But I didn’t expect that Shen Mei, a woman, would be so lucky. With such a brother, she would fly up a branch and become a phoenix in the future.

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