Chapter 832 Don't you miss me?

   "Ningning, where are you?" Li Zhenting called, and his tone was anxious.

   "I'm downstairs." Shen Ning's eyes were indifferent.

   After a while, Li Zhenting hurried over and held her hands tightly, it was cold!

   "Ningning, it's such a cold day, why don't you stay in the office well, why did you come here, what should you do if you catch a cold?"

  He held her hands and rubbed them, took a few breaths, and blamed her.

  Shen Ning bowed his head and did not speak.

   "Ning Ning, are you feeling well?" Under the night light, Li Zhenting saw Shen Ning's pale and thin face, and couldn't help asking with concern.

   "It's okay." Shen Ning shook his head.

   "Are you still sad because of grandma's death?" Li Zhenting put his arms around her shoulders, and held her in his arms, loving her very much.

   This little woman has a deep affection for her grandmother. During this period of time, because of her grandmother's departure, she seemed so vulnerable and helpless. He couldn't bear to leave her for even half a step.

  Bringing up grandma, Shen Ning slightly closed his eyes.

   "Ning Ning." Li Zhenting caressed her face with his fingertips, lowered his head, gently stroked her face with his lips, sprayed hot air on her face, and murmured.

  Shen Ning was in a trance for a while, and opened his eyes. His **** eyes were facing Li Zhenting's dark eyes.

  The two looked at each other face to face.

  The man's lips began to gently kiss the skin of the woman's face, and the woman's long eyelashes flickered, tickling his cheeks, teasing his sensitive nerves.

   "Ning Ning, we haven't been intimate for a long time, don't you miss me?" The man's lips kissed her ear, he chuckled and asked in a friendly voice.

   Shen Ning looked at him in a daze.

  Li Zhenting's lips moved little by little, and finally kissed her lips...

   Shen Ning was shaken all over, and fell limply on his chest.

   Li Zhenting pressed her big palm on her back chest and pressed her against his chest, wishing to rub him into his chest cavity, the passion in his body surged up, and he kissed her even more frantically...

  In the darkness not far away, a pair of jealous eyes were about to burst into flames.

  Xiaofeng stood under a big tree, his fingers gripping the trunk tightly, and the veins on the back of his hands bulged.

  She stared closely at the man and woman who were embracing each other affectionately in the dark and kissing passionately, her teeth clenched.

  Unexpectedly, even though she tried her best, she still couldn't separate this passionate couple.

  She is not reconciled...

"Ning Ning." Li Zhenting kissed Shen Ning deeply, and murmured her name, a continuous love rose in his chest, he wanted her, wanted her immediately, this was just his most primitive desire, he couldn't help it He eagerly picked her up and ran towards the president's office.

   There was a starlight shining in front of Shen Ning's eyes, and his whole body floated up.

"Ah, it hurts." When Li Zhenting hugged Shen Ning and ran into the lounge behind the CEO's office like a gust of wind, put her on the big bed, and was about to kiss her, suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the head, so painful Holding his head in his hands, he rolled and fell to the floor.

  Shen Ning woke up suddenly, quickly turned over and got up, looked at Li Zhenting and asked worriedly: "Zhenting, what's wrong with you?"

   "My head hurts a bit." He took a breath and replied with difficulty.

  Recently, he often suffers from headaches, and every time he has a headache, his brain goes blank, he can't remember anything, and he also gets confused for a while, and sometimes even admits mistakes.

   He thought it was because he was too busy.

"Ning Ning, I'm sorry, I've been too busy recently, and my mental pressure is too great." After a while, Li Zhenting returned to normal, and said with a wry smile, "I will take you and the children on a trip to relax after I finish my busy time. I won't let you go then."

  (end of this chapter)

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