Chapter 833 Do you love me?

  He pulled Shen Ning into his arms, leaned against the back of the sofa, hugged her light figure on his lap, and rubbed her waist, affectionately and tenderly.

When Shen Ning heard him mentioning the children at first, the phone call from Keke tonight rang, and he hurriedly said: "Zhenting, Keke called me today, he said he missed Daddy and Mommy, let's go tomorrow Pick them up from school."

   "Okay, I miss the children too." Mentioning the children, both of them had gentle smiles on their faces.

   "Then let's sleep here tonight. It's too late, and we will wake up our parents and children when we go back. It's hard to run around."

   "Yes, yes." Shen Ning nodded obediently.

"Okay, let's take a shower first, it's getting late, go to bed early." After they discussed it, Li Zhenting stood up holding her, hugged her a few times in mid-air, and then kissed her on the face , put her down.

  The two went to take a shower and lay down on the bed.

  Li Zhenting stretched out his hand and pulled Shen Ning into his arms, wrapping his arms around her thin shoulders.

   Shen Ning leaned against the man's chest, listening to his strong heartbeat.

  The two snuggled together happily. Outside the window, a round of bleak moonlight shone in, and the earth was peaceful.

   "Zhen Ting, do you love me?" Shen Ning asked softly, stroking his stomach with one hand in the dim night.

   Li Zhenting was drowsy with his arms around Shen Ning.

   Shen Ning asked twice before he heard clearly.

   "Fool, who do I love if I don't love you? You are my wife and the mother of my three children. Of course I love you."

   "Then do you love me or Xiaofeng?" Shen Ning didn't seem to believe it, and asked him a multiple-choice question.

   Li Zhenting reached out and pinched her little nose: "Of course I love you. If I didn't love you, would I still sleep here with you in my arms? You women are narrow-minded, suspicious, and always thinking wildly."

   Is she really cranky!

Shen Ning smiled wryly, a man held her in his arms but called another woman's name 'Xiaofeng', she lingered by his side like a ghost, and he didn't drive her away, which made her Don't think too much?

  She didn't speak, at this time the man had already heard the sound of deep breathing, and he was already asleep.

  Shen Ning closed his eyes slightly, and wanted to turn over, but the man's strong arms hugged her tightly in his sleep, as if he was afraid that she would fly away.

   For a moment, she felt sad.

   At this time, everything in the world is quiet, and the cold wind is blowing outside, but her surroundings are full of warmth.

  At this moment, she felt that there were only the two of them left in the world, and all the little wind and grass had disappeared.

  She finally believed what Li Wanqing said:

   Husband and wife can only be intimate if they stay together, and outsiders will not intervene.

   Undoubtedly, Li Wanqing was thinking of her.

  She lay comfortably, with an inexplicable peace of mind in her heart, tiredness hit her, and she soon fell asleep while pregnant.

  The next day, when Shen Ning woke up, it was already 8:30 in the morning. She turned over and got up, but Li Zhenting was not by her side.

  It's almost time to go to work.

  She immediately got up to wash up, and just after washing up, Li Zhenting came in early carrying two big boxes full.

   "Ning Ning, you're awake." The energetic man smiled at the corners of his eyes and spoke in a friendly voice.

   "Well, sorry, I overslept."

   "It's okay, come and have breakfast, I have to go to the morning meeting after breakfast."

  He put the breakfast on the bedside table, took a small chair and sat down beside it.

  The two began to eat breakfast.

   Li Zhenting ordered bird's nest porridge, rice porridge, fresh milk, and cake. He forced Shen Ning to eat a lot, and he didn't let the cleaners come over to clean up until he thought she should be full.

   This time, Shen Ning did not have morning sickness!

   After breakfast, Li Zhenting went to the morning meeting, but Shen Ning didn't follow, because she was really not good at those business matters.

   She just sat at her desk with nothing to do.

  Yesterday, she drew two bastards, should she draw a cartoon of a family of seven today?

   While she was tilting her head and preparing to draw, suddenly, the doorbell rang.

  She pressed the video intercom, and saw Nurse Wu standing at the door of the president's office pushing Xiaofeng's wheelchair.

  Her heart sank, and her face changed color.

   For a long time, she didn't press the button to open the door.

  But Xiaofeng knew she was here, so he kept ringing the doorbell.

  (end of this chapter)

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