Chapter 834 Sorry, I can't help you

"Sister, I followed the rules this time, didn't I commit any fouls?" Shen Ning finally pushed the door switch, Nurse Wu pushed Xiaofeng in and walked in slowly, Xiaofeng's eyes fell on Shen Ning's face with a smile.

   "President Li is not in the office now, you can come back later."

"It's okay, I can wait." Xiaofeng held the file bag with her fingers, with a proud smile on her face, as if telling her that she is an important scientific researcher of the company and a talent that Li Zhenting needs, but she is just a vase, what? I don't understand either.

   "That's up to you." Shen Ning said indifferently.

   "Well, Nurse Wu, I forgot to take a document, please help me get it." Xiaofeng looked at his folder and ordered.

   "Okay, I'll go right away, be careful." Nurse Wu put Xiaofeng's wheelchair away, turned and walked out.

   Shen Ning looked down at the white paper in front of him, and a big white lotus flower flashed in his mind.

  She is about to write.

   Xiaofeng looked around and suddenly said very politely: "Vice President Shen, I asked Mr. Li to report important scientific research results. Can you pour me a glass of water?"

  Shen Ning slightly raised his eyes and glanced at her, and was about to dial the internal number and ask the secretary to bring her a glass of water.

Xiaofeng quickly took out a delicate red water cup from the wheelchair and smiled at Shen Ning: "Sister, I can't drink the water in the water dispenser. You also know that I can't eat or drink indiscriminately after the operation. There is a doctor over there." Taikang purifier, can you bring me a glass of water, please? Thank you."

  Li Zhenting's office has a set of advanced water purification machines, and the water quality is very good.

  Shen Ning was taken aback, and sneered in his heart. This woman deliberately dismissed Nurse Wu, just to point her to work for her, so as to humiliate her. It's disgusting.

She raised her eyes slightly to stare at her, and said slowly and politely: "It stands to reason that this request is a trivial matter. Of course I can help you get the water, but who knows if that glass of water will be poisonous, and will it make you spit after drinking it?" What about the blood? Or did you suddenly roll off the wheelchair again and let my husband **** you to the hospital to pester him, sorry, I can't help you, you'd better wait for Nurse Wu to come over first."

  Xiaofeng's complexion changed slightly, and after a moment of stupefaction, she suddenly lifted her long hair with her fingers, revealing two shiny ears beside her ears, which made her face charming and beautiful.

   Shen Ning's face changed color.

   "Where do you come from, these earrings?" Her voice shifted.

Xiaofeng saw her nervous appearance, the corners of her lips raised a bright arc, and she touched her ears with her fingers: "You mean them, oh, they were given to me by Zhenting the night before, and I fell in love with them immediately. I like it very much, how is it? Sister, I wear it beautifully."

  Shen Ning clenched his fingers tightly.

These earbuds belonged to her mother, Shao Meiqi, which was given to her mother by her grandmother before she died. At that time, she was distraught, and handed the earbuds to Li Zhenting beside her, asking him to help keep them, but unexpectedly, he gave them to Xiao wind.

  A chill rose from the soles of his feet, Shen Ning bit his lip, feeling cramped in his heart.

  How could Li Zhenting do such a thing? He knew how important grandma and mother were to her, and he knew it was hers, so he gave it to Xiaofeng.

  Fortunately, he was still tender to her last night, saying that he loved her, but secretly gave her mother's precious earrings to other women.

  Is this love?

  Her mood fell to the bottom in an instant, and she clutched her belly tightly with her fingers. For the first time, she felt the urge to kill the child.

  (end of this chapter)

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