Chapter 850 Feeling proud

   "Daddy, where's Mommy?" As soon as Xiaofeng left, the three little guys surrounded him, forcing Li Zhenting to ask for Mommy!

   Li Zhenting had no choice but to pick up the phone.

  At the gate of the hospital, Shen Ning has been wandering here for nearly three hours.

  After coming out of Li Zhenting's office, she walked here unconsciously in grief and pain.

   Almost three months!

  The child in her womb is almost three months old. If she doesn't make a decision, she will soon show her pregnancy.

   But now Li Zhenting's heart is getting more and more deviated from her expectations, not only can't keep the promise, but also getting closer and closer to Xiaofeng.

  What should she do? With his fingers on his abdomen, one picture after another flooded out of his mind.

   Abort the child, that heartless man, he loved Xiaofeng from beginning to end, now that Xiaofeng is back, why do you give him so many children.

No, Ke Ke, Ding Ding, and Xiao Xiao have all been snatched away by the Li family, and now she is alone, and the child in her stomach is a gift from the heavens, so they cannot be destroyed. Besides, the child is innocent, and they have What's wrong, why use the sins of adults on them.

   But if it is born, as long as Li Zhenting knows, the child will definitely be taken away by him again.


   While she was in great pain, the phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was Li Zhenting calling.

  She pressed it off immediately.

   "Your mommy doesn't answer my calls." Li Zhenting had no choice but to speak after dialing Shen Ning's cell phone four or five times in the office.

  Coco frowned: "Okay, let me fight."

  He picked up the phone watch, this time, as soon as he dialed out, the other side answered.

   "Mum, I'm Coco, where are you now?" Coco yelled as soon as he got on the phone.

  When Shen Ning heard this, it's too bad, it's already afternoon, and she even forgot to pick up the children, so she hurriedly asked, "I'm sorry, Ke Ke, Mommy forgot to pick you up, are you still in kindergarten?"

   "Mummy, Ding Ding and I came to Daddy's company together to look for you, but we didn't see you, where did you go?" Shen Ning was stunned, these little guys actually ran to Li's Group.

   "I have something to do outside, so I'll be here soon." After answering a sentence, she hung up the phone, got in the car, and headed towards Li's Group.

   On the way, she received a call from housekeeper Luo, saying that the three children were missing and did not hear them.

  Shen Ning told him immediately, but housekeeper Luo was relieved when he heard that the children had gone to the Li Group.

   What Shen Ning couldn't figure out was why the children suddenly came to Li's Group.

  Li Group.

  The three little guys were walking up and down the president's office and the corridor outside. They were very eye-catching. All the staff were attracted by them and ran out to play with him.

   "Boss Li, what a pair of beautiful and lovely sons, they look exactly like you, so handsome."

   "Mr. Li, Xiaoxiao is so beautiful, softer, softer and more beautiful than those child stars."

   "Tsk tsk, it's so cute, it's so cute."


  Many of the executives and staff had never seen triplets, and they were all amazed after seeing them.

  Li Zhenting stood in the corridor with a smile, listening to others praise his children, a sense of pride welled up, the corners of his lips were slightly curled up, and he put down his business to play with the little ones.

  The little guys are all clean and white, and their clear eyes are as clean as the blue sky and white clouds in the sky. Who doesn't like such a cute and cute child.

  His heart is full of warmth and love, and his heart is about to melt.

   After a while, Shen Ning hurried over.

  "Mummy." This time, when Shen Ning appeared in front of the children, the three little guys ran towards her in one go.

   This is their favorite mommy!

   "Ke Ke, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, why did you come to the company suddenly? Who brought you here?" After being intimate with the children, Shen Ning led them into the president's office.

   "We came here by ourselves." Xiaoxiao said happily, "We came here by taxi."

  (end of this chapter)

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