Chapter 851 We will help you

Shen Ning's heart sank, and he immediately criticized seriously: "Ke Ke, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, you are still young, you can't leave the kindergarten alone, even if you want to find your parents, you have to get our consent, you know Is it? Uncle Rob didn’t pick you up, so I’m in a hurry.”

   "I'm sorry, Mommy, we won't dare next time." It can be seen that Mommy was angry and apologized quickly.

"Forget it this time. Next time you come, you must get the consent of me and your mommy, understand?" Li Zhenting was in a good mood because the three little guys were praised and envied by the staff. He was afraid that Shen Ning would blame them, so he hurriedly called Circus.

   "Understood." The three little guys said in unison.

   "Okay, let's go, Daddy will take you out for dinner." Li Zhenting also didn't want to work, and he was really ashamed of them during this time. He didn't have time to accompany them, so he simply played with them today.

   "Okay, Daddy, I want to hug." Xiaoxiao opened her arms, she likes Daddy's strong and powerful arms to hold her, it will make her feel very safe.

  Li Zhenting smiled slightly, hugged Xiao Xiao with both hands, and kissed her forehead: "You are really Daddy's caring little padded jacket.

   "Daddy, did you bully Mommy?" Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice after being picked up and hugged Daddy's neck tightly with both hands.

   Li Zhenting was taken aback for a moment, and quickly shook his head: "No, it's too late for me to love her, how could I bully her."

   "Then why are you hugging that auntie?" Xiao Xiao didn't hesitate at all, and asked directly.

   Li Zhenting was taken aback for a moment, his old face turned red.

   "Little, it's just because of work, I didn't hug her."

"Hmph." Xiaoxiao looked at him and snorted coldly, "Daddy, from now on you can only hug Mommy, you can't hug other women, and you can't kiss them, otherwise, you're bullying Mommy." , my brother and I, Ding Ding will not agree."

   "Okay, don't worry, I won't dare again in the future." Li Zhenting seemed to understand the reason why these three little guys came to the company suddenly, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

   No matter how he pleases these three little guys, their hearts will always be towards their mommy.

  Here, Ke Ke pulled Ding Ding aside and asked softly, "Is it installed?"

   "Don't worry, it's already installed." Ding Ding clapped his little hands.

  The two little guys ran towards Shen Ning, holding her hand from left to right.

   "Mommy, let's go and eat." They shouted happily.

  Shen Ning's eyes were on the other side of the corridor, in Xiaofeng's office.

   "Mum, how come there is an aunt who looks exactly like you in Daddy's company, and she is still hugging Daddy." Ding Ding asked curiously while holding Shen Ning's hand.

   Shen Ning's body trembled, his face turned pale.

   "Did you see it?"

   "Yes, we saw it when we came to find you and Daddy. At first, we thought she was you and called her Mommy."

   "Then is she good to you? Do you like her?" Shen Ning murmured, wondering what she was thinking.

   "She was kind to us, but I don't like her."

   "Mum, I don't like her either. I think she is very annoying. She keeps looking at Daddy with her eyes, so shameless." Ding Ding said bluntly.

  Shen Ning forced a smile:

   "Mommy, that aunt is a designer invited by your father, and she is here to work in the Li Group."

   "Mum, if Daddy repeats his old problems and bullies you with other women, you must tell us and we will help you." Coco said caringly.

   Shen Ning's heart warmed up, and he held the hands of the two little guys tightly, a different kind of comfort welled up in his heart.

  She took the hands of the two little guys and walked outside.

   The two little guys are so happy to have their daddy and mommy company, chattering and bouncing around.

   They came to the gate.

   Li Zhenting was whispering to Xiao Xiao, the father and daughter were very close.

   "Let's go, let's eat Haidilao." Li Zhenting said affectionately after seeing Shen Ning.

  But Shen Ning just said 'hmm', and led the two little guys to walk outside.

  Li Zhenting followed Xiao Xiaomang in his arms.

  (end of this chapter)

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