Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 853: An inexplicable throbbing pain at the apex of the heart

  Chapter 853 Inexplicable twitching pain at the apex of the heart

   "Then don't squeeze your mommy." Li Zhenting ordered and had to go out.

   Shen Ning was relieved to see him go out.

  Now that he has decided to divorce, he will never be given a chance to get close to him again.

  This is a matter of principle, it cannot be broken!

  One, she is pregnant, and she is afraid of hurting the fetus. She has a deep understanding of Li Zhenting's madness.

   Later, the three little ones fell asleep, Shen Ning covered them with quilts and quietly returned to the guest room.

  Lying on the bed, thinking about the past between her and Li Zhenting, it suddenly occurred to me that since she and Li Zhenting got their marriage certificates from the Civil Affairs Bureau, they have never had a married life.

  Become a husband and wife, but look like passers-by. Isn’t this ironic? If I had known this before, why bother to remarry!

   Early the next morning, Shen Ning and Li Zhenting sent the children to the kindergarten together, and then Shen Ning got into Li Zhenting's car.

   "Mr. Li, what did you think about what I told you yesterday?"

   Li Zhenting's eyelids twitched, and he asked, "What's the matter?"

   "Won't you forget what I told you yesterday?"

   "I really forgot." Li Zhenting pretended to be deaf and dumb, started the car, and the car drove outside. He looked at the street with piercing eyes, and drove the car intently.

  Shen Ning opened his mouth, wanting to bring up the matter of divorce again, but quickly stopped talking.

   After all, he is driving, so it is not appropriate to say drastic things, and during this period of time, his mental state is not as good as before, probably due to working overtime every day.

   Logically speaking, he is now at the busiest and most chaotic time in his career, so she should be a stable wife and a good wife.

  Can now...

  A mocking smile floated on the corner of her lips.

  Before telling Li Wanqing that she wanted to divorce Li Zhenting, she still had to perform her duties, go to work in Li's Group every day, take care of Li Zhenting's daily life, and follow him closely.

   After a while, Li Zhenting and Shen Ning both came to the Li Group.

"Mr. Li, Assistant Shen is very uncomfortable now. Go and see her. Last night, she worked overtime all night." As soon as they entered the building, Nurse Wu ran over in a panic, her face full of tears. worried, "She is so dedicated, I can't even persuade her."

   Li Zhenting's face changed color when he heard the words, and he hurriedly handed the briefcase to Shen Ning who was beside him and said, "Ning Ning, you go and make me a cup of green tea first, and I'll come as soon as I go and have a look."

  He left in a hurry after speaking.

  Shen Ning looked at the briefcase in his hand, and then at the back of the man leaving in a hurry, his heart twitched inexplicably.

  Her husband is so distressed and nervous about another woman, I am afraid no one will understand this heartache!

   With a pale face, she took her bag and went to the president's office first, prepared Li Zhenting's daily necessities, and made him his favorite green tea. At this time, some executives were coming to report work.

  But Li Zhenting hasn't come back yet.

  She thought for a while, and first asked the executives to wait outside, while she walked towards Xiaofeng's office.

   "Why did you ask her to work overtime last night? Didn't you know she just had an operation?" In Xiaofeng's office, Li Zhenting was angry at the director of the marketing department, and several senior executives stood inside with their heads bowed, being scolded.

  Shen Ning walked over and stood lazily against the door frame.

Xiaofeng was lying on the sofa, her eyes were closed tightly, and her long eyelashes cast a blue semicircle on her pale face, making her look very pitiful. Her soft hair covered the entire sofa, thin and thin. The scenery was faintly visible under the clothes, it was obviously a sick look, but Shen Ning forced Shen Ning to see a vivid picture of a **** girl.

  With a mocking smile on her lips, she walked in.

  (end of this chapter)

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