Chapter 854 Feel disgusting no matter what you think

"Xiaofeng, let me take you to the hospital." Li Zhenting looked at the sick woman lying on the sofa, she was so weak, as if a gust of wind could blow her away lightly, he was really worried that she would live If she didn't go on, she insisted on sending her to the hospital.

   "Zhenting, I'm fine, go and help me get some water to drink." Xiaofeng smiled weakly and spoke weakly.

   "Okay." Li Zhenting agreed, turned around, and was surprised to see Shen Ning standing beside him, paused, and looked at her.

  Shen Ning's eyes were pale, and no emotion could be seen.

  He went to pour water for Xiaofeng.

   Shen Ning's eyes fell on Xiaofeng's face.

   Xiaofeng suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her.

  The eyes of the two women met, Shen Ning's eyes were deep and deep, while Xiao Feng's eyes were as thin as needles, hiding coldness and cunning.

   Shen Ning trembled all over.

  At this moment, Li Zhenting came over with a water glass.

  He glanced at Shen Ning and bent down.

   "Zhenting, help me up." He put the water glass to Xiaofeng's lips, but she asked him to hug her up.

  Li Zhenting hesitated for a while, seeing Xiaofeng's uncomfortable appearance, he had to bend down and hug her head.

   After Xiaofeng took a sip of water, he held Li Zhenting's clothes tightly with one hand, and poured it into his arms, panting slightly.

   "Ouch." A wave of nausea surged up, Shen Ning covered her mouth and ran outside.

  She ran back to the president's office, feeling sick no matter what she thought, and ran into the bathroom to vomit for a while. When she came out again, Li Zhenting just walked in.

Shen Ning didn't even look at him, sat down on her desk, leaned on the back of the chair, stared at the ceiling, but was thinking in her heart how to show Li Wanqing when she went back tonight: she couldn't complete this important task Yes, she wants a divorce.

  Originally, she also wanted to save the marriage. After all, it was not easy for the two of them to come to this point, and they had children... Thinking of the children, her heart suddenly ached, and she couldn't help touching her stomach with her fingers.

  At this moment, the phone on the desk rang.

   She picked it up.

   "Vice President Shen, someone is looking for you outside." The call was from the secretary.

   "Looking for me?" Shen Ning was a little astonished, she had no friends in the imperial capital, so there was Jing Chenxi who would hang around her, but now Jing Chenxi has also gone to the country of America, and in the imperial capital, she is basically no one looking for her.

   "Male or female?"


   "Let him come in." She thought it might be Uncle Marley, after all, she was not in Gucci, and she still needed to discuss many things with her.

  Not long after she put down the phone, someone rang the doorbell.

   "Come in." She pressed the button to open the door.

  The door opened quickly.

  A slender and cold figure of a man walked in.

   Shen Ning looked at him.

  The man was wearing a long windbreaker, denim lower body, young and handsome face, under the long eyelashes, a pair of cool and beautiful eyes were staring at her closely, deep and deep.

  Shen Ning sat up straight, opened his mouth, and jumped up after a long while: "Qingshan."

  Ji Qingshan's long body gracefully walked towards her, with a slight smile on his lips.

   "It turns out that you are here, and I really guessed it." His thin lips parted slightly, and his voice was magnetic, very nice, but also implied sarcasm, which made Shen Ning a little guilty.

   "Qing Shan, when did you come back? Why don't you give me a call, so that I can go clean up for you." Shen Ning blamed.

  Ji Qingshan smiled lightly: "I'm here, let's go, I'll give you a chance to show off, and clean up the dust for me."

   "Okay, I am very happy." Shen Ning stood up and was about to go inside to get his bag.

   "Humph." Suddenly, a soft 'hum' sound came from beside him.

  Shen Ning turned his head, only to find that Li Zhenting's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and his face was a little dark, as if he was very dissatisfied with her behavior.

  (end of this chapter)

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