Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 860: It doesn't matter if it's dead

  Chapter 860 It doesn't matter if you are dead

"Ning Ning, even if it's not about work, it's about her body. She's not in good health, and she's working on chip research and development for our Li Group while sick. Do you think I can ignore it? If I, the president, can't even care, How can I convince other employees." Li Zhenting explained.

   "Hey." Shen Ning sneered when he heard that.

   What a good-sounding reason!

  She was completely defeated. It was obvious that her husband was having an affair with other women, and she could only accept it, but she had no choice but no room to fight back.

   At this time, the mobile phone seemed to be deliberately declaring sovereignty, and it was still ringing non-stop.

  Shen Ning was in a terrible mood, holding the phone tightly with his fingers, wishing to break it into pieces.

   "Ning Ning, give me the phone quickly, maybe she has another health problem, and the consequences will be serious." Li Zhenting was a little nervous, and looked at her with a cold face.

  Shen Ning felt that there was no point in persisting.

  Li Zhenting has changed, becoming duplicity, opportunistic, saying that he loves her, but actually having an affair with another woman, having an affair, and even in front of her face, what's the point of having such a man?

   "Here you are." She threw the phone to him indifferently.

   Li Zhenting caught it, glanced at her, and connected to the phone: "Xiaofeng, what's the matter?"

"Zhen Ting, I just finished designing for two hours, and my heart is so stuffy, can you come and accompany me?" Xiaofeng's soft voice came out from the phone softly, and the car was quiet, and the voice poured directly into the In Shen Ning's ears, it was very clear.

   Shen Ning opened the car door and was about to go down.

   "Ning Ning." Li Zhenting reached out to pull her.

  But Shen Ning shook his hand hard, shook off his hand and ran towards the street.

  The traffic on the street is very dangerous!

  At this time, Shen Ning just wanted to escape from here desperately, and ran directly across the street.

   "Hey, you are looking for death." Several cars slammed on the brakes in a row, and the driver stuck his head out and cursed non-stop.

  At this moment, Shen Ning felt that it didn't matter even if he died.

  A woman is scarred by love, life is hopeless, so what if she dies?

No one understands Li Zhenting better than her. The reason why he is so indecisive and indulges Xiaofeng now is because he has always loved Xiaofeng deeply. Xiaofeng is his only love, and no one can replace him, even if she does it for her. He gave birth to three children, also not fully replaceable.

  In this life, she is doomed to be just a symbol of sorrow and will never get love.

   "Ning Ning."

Li Zhenting saw Shen Ning rushing towards the street, and the car hit her, his eyes widened in horror. At that moment, his heart stopped beating, and he felt that his soul was gone. When he was about to rush over, he felt a violent shock in his head. The pain was so painful that his eyes turned black, and his body shook.

   "Ah." He roared, dropped the phone, and beat his head with his hands.

   After a period of darkness, the eyes finally regained light. When he raised his head again, he saw that the driver had braked in time, and Shen Ning had safely run to the opposite side of the street.

   He breathed a sigh of relief and fell down on the car seat.

   Li's Castle.

   "Look, this woman has approached Daddy for the fifth time today." In the bedroom, Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao leaned their heads in front of the computer, and Ke Ke shouted angrily.

   "Hmph, old hag, look quickly, her arms are wrapped around Daddy's waist, and she is leaning on Daddy's body." Xiao Xiao screamed.

   "Why didn't Daddy push her away? How could he be like this? What a scumbag." Ding Ding couldn't stand it any longer, and patted the table with his little hands.

   "No wonder Mommy is so unhappy. It turns out that scumbag daddy is bullying Mommy with another woman. It's so hateful."

   "Yes, no, we have to drive that woman away. If this continues, I'm sure Mommy will definitely leave us." Coco already had a strong sense of crisis.

  (end of this chapter)

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