Chapter 861 Don't give up easily

   "Hey, Daddy is too disappointing." Xiao Xiao's eyes were red, and his face was full of disappointment.

  He promised that she would treat Mommy well, but he disappointed her time and time again. This daddy is really unreliable.

  San Xiao only looked at the surveillance screen, extremely frustrated.

   It turned out that they went to Li's Group that day to install a surveillance camera in Li Zhenting's office to monitor Daddy, and they found out the problem!

"what to do?"

   "What can I do, of course it is to help Mommy fight monsters and upgrade." Coco said naturally.

   "Then how to fight?"

   "Come here." Ke Ke beckoned to Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao.

  The heads of the two little guys came together.

  The three little guys muttered in a low voice.

  In the study room, Li Wanqing was looking at traditional Chinese paintings with her eyes on.

  Shen Ning knocked on the door.

"Come in."

  Shen Ning pushed open the door and walked in slowly.

   "Mom." She stood still in front of Li Wanqing, bowed her head and spoke softly.

  Because I was a little nervous, my heart was beating very hard.

  Li Wanqing looked up at her with a friendly smile on her face.

   "Ningning, are you okay?"

   "Yes, Mom, there is something I want to tell you." Shen Ning pursed his lower lip, and finally made up his mind.

   "Oh, what is it?"

  Intuition made Li Wanqing's eyelids twitch, she stood up and took Shen Ning's hand to sit on the sofa, looking at her kindly.

  Seeing her mother-in-law's concerned smile, Shen Ning felt a sharp pain in her heart.

  What a great mother-in-law, she really can't bear to talk about it, she really wants to live happily in this big family forever.

  But now there is really no way to persist.

   It was the original sin that Li Zhenting didn't love her. She shouldn't have taken over his love.

   "Mom, I've already made up my mind. I want to divorce Zhen Ting." After she cleared her voice, she met Li Wanqing's eyes and spoke boldly and firmly.

  The smile on Li Wanqing's face froze, and the light in her eyes gradually deepened.


  Shen Ning's heart was pounding, because of guilt and sadness, his throat felt as uncomfortable as a handful of sand.

   "Is it because of the little wind?" Li Wanqing continued to ask.

   "Mom, I..." Shen Ning's eye circles were moist.

"Ning Ning, you and Zhen Ting are legally married and are protected by the law. They are also the daughter-in-law of our Li family's famous matchmaker. Why should you, a dignified Mrs. Li, be afraid of a woman who can't see her face? What is Xiaofeng? You are nothing in our Li family, everyone in our Li family only recognizes you, what's the use of her jumping around, why do you want to divorce because of her?"

  Li Wanqing persuaded her earnestly,

"The door of the Li family is not something that any woman can enter if she wants to. Li's group is a large multinational enterprise. As the president of a company, based on his status, there will be some women with unscrupulous intentions who want to approach him and play tricks on him. Yes, it's normal, but it's not scary. As Zhen Ting's wife, your endurance and wisdom will be tested at this time. Do you know why Mom arranged you to work with Zhen Ting? Yes. I want to drive those women away so that you and your husband can be inseparable, happy forever, and take care of several children, but you have only persisted for a few days and you are about to retreat, this is not what I want to see."

  Li Wanqing's tone was very serious, with a solemn face.

   "It is a great fate that two people who have never met before can become husband and wife. Mom hopes that you can persevere and don't give up lightly. Happiness is always in your own hands."

   "But Mom, love can't be forced. Zhen Ting and I are really not suitable. He doesn't love me." After a long time, Shen Ning replied with a pale face.

   "Nonsense." Li Wanqing's face turned serious, her eyes sharp, "Zhen Ting is my son, don't I know him well? If he doesn't love you, can he remarry you?"

  (end of this chapter)

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