Chapter 862 Didn't he tell you?

   Shen Ning felt sad.

  Maybe Li Zhenting has love for her, but that love is definitely not enough, definitely not as good as the love for Xiaofeng.

  But what she wants is not this little bit, what she wants is a lifetime of a couple, all his love, if she can't give it, she would rather not have it at all!

   Now I follow him every day, watching him and Xiaofeng love and ambiguous, life is worse than death.

  If Xiaofeng died before, she still had the confidence to fight for it, but now that Xiaofeng is right in front of her, and her rank is still so high, what would she use to fight for it, she doesn't have the ability.

  Ke Li Wanqing spoke resolutely:

"Ningning, I don't allow you to give up lightly, and I don't allow you to divorce my son. You are the mother of my three grandchildren. Only you can bring happiness to this family. You can rest assured and persevere. Me and your father, grandparents and grandparents , will definitely support you behind the scenes, and let you win this war."

"Ningning, do you know? When I appointed you as the vice president of the company last time, when I asked your grandfather to get the token, he gave it to me without saying a word. You must know that this is the only time. , He never gave it to anyone before."


  Shen Ning suddenly felt that he was very powerless, unable to say anything in front of this mother-in-law.

  Her affirmation and support, generosity and determination made her feel ashamed.

  In the end, she repeatedly confessed that she would never be allowed to leave after divorcing Li Zhenting.

   In desperation, Shen Ning had to bow his head and walk out of the study.

   the next day.

  Shen Ning came to the Li Group early in the morning.

  In the past few days, Li Zhenting often has headaches, is very angry, and has an unstable temper. Shen Ning wants to make some heat-clearing and heart-nourishing soup for him.

When she was cleaning the Chinese herbal medicine in the washbasin, the smell of angelica came from one of them, and suddenly, there was a violent churn in her stomach. All the jaundice was vomited out before it was considered to have stopped.

   "Hey, sister, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" When she stood up after rinsing her mouth and drying her mouth, suddenly, a woman's cold voice came from behind.

   She was startled and turned away.

  I saw Xiaofeng standing behind, with a vigilant face, staring at her coldly, with an unknown smile on the corner of his lips.

   "Who told you to come in? Get out quickly." After being stunned for a while, Shen Ning immediately shouted angrily.

  Xiaofeng smiled coldly: "Vice President Shen, since yesterday, Zhenting has notified the secretary's office. For work needs, I can freely enter and leave the president's office. Didn't he tell you?"

  Free access?

  Shen Ning was stunned for a moment. Li Zhenting actually allowed Xiaofeng to freely enter and leave his president's office, knowing that she had ordered that no one could enter freely without approval, especially Xiaofeng.

   Isn't this slapping her in the face?

  Li Zhenting, you really are an asshole, for the sake of women, you have no principles at all!

  She threw all the ingredients in her hand into the trash can, turned around and ran out.

   Xiaofeng stared at her back, his eyes fell on her waist, and there was a dark light of suspicion in his pupils.

  In the chip design room, Fang Xianyun sat in front of the computer with a heavy heart, staring at the design drawings in front of him without blinking, frowning.

   "Manager Fang, what are you thinking?" Wang Qingfei brought him a cup of coffee and boiled water.

  This young department manager is really handsome and talented, and she is willing to get close to him.

  (end of this chapter)

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