Chapter 869 came to avenge her

  A gloomy light flashed in Li Zhenting's eyes, and he asked in a deep voice, "Xiaofeng, why did you do this?"

   "I..." Xiaofeng met Li Zhenting's cold eyes, but he didn't expect that he didn't believe her. He grabbed the clothes on his chest with both hands and shouted, "Zhenting, I, I really, no, yes."

  She burst into tears.

"Xiaofeng, stop pretending here, the children are so young, they won't tell lies, let me tell you, you can bully me however you want, but if you treat the children like this, I will not let you go. "Shen Ning looked at the appearance of the white lotus and Lihua with rain, and walked over, very angry.

  She hates Bai Lianhua's pitiful and wronged appearance the most.

"Mr. Li, Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao are all your own children. Do you have the heart to watch them being hurt by other women? Tiger poison is not poisonous, so you are not more poisonous than a tiger, right? "Shen Ning looked at Li Zhenting coldly.

  Li Zhenting's eyes were sharp, and he looked at Xiaofeng: "Xiaofeng, you are too much, even bullying the children, let's go, our Li Group can't tolerate you anymore."


  Ke Ke, Xiao Xiao and Ding Ding couldn't help cheering secretly when they saw this, and after looking at each other, there was a triumphant expression on their faces.

  Xiaofeng stared at Li Zhenting with wide eyes: "Zhenting, you actually want to drive me away?"

   "Yes." Li Zhenting's tone was affirmative.

   "What about those blueprints? What about the chip design?" Xiaofeng asked threateningly, taking out his strengths.

"I'll figure out what to do with that, let's go." Li Zhenting was expressionless, without any hesitation, walked over and hugged Xiao Xiao first, checked her little hand nervously and distressedly, put it on his lips and kissed it , picked up Ding Ding again, and asked him if his stomach still hurts.

  After the two little ones shook their heads, he picked them up one by one and walked out.

  When passing by Xiaofeng, he didn't even look at her.

  At that moment, Shen Ning saw the brilliance of fatherly love in Li Zhenting, which seemed to brighten up with the whole world. His handsome face was full of concern and tension for the child, which melted her cold heart a little.

   "Ah." Xiaofeng cried loudly and ran out.

  Li Wanqing nodded slightly, she looked like a husband.

"Yeah, grandma, you are so powerful and domineering. I adore you so much now, especially when you slapped that goblin in the face with your hands. You are so handsome." Ke Ke ran to Li Wanqing and grabbed her hand, shaking it from side to side , full of admiration.

   "Yo, you kid." Li Wanqing looked at the childish face, cute and adorable, and laughed out loud, hugging her brother like a mad kiss.

   Coco giggled happily.

   "Who dares to bully my grandson, I will beat her to eat shit." Li Wanqing announced domineeringly.

   "Grandma is so mighty." Ke Ke hugged her neck and smiled.

  In the president's office.

  The family enjoyed themselves happily.

   "Mum, that little goblin was finally chased away by Daddy, that's great." Xiao Xiao crawled into Shen Ning's arms, and whispered in her ear, "I don't like her at all."

   Shen Ning's eye circles were a little wet: "Yes, I don't like her either."

   "Mum, don't worry, if anyone dares to bully you again, we will come to help you, and we must find a way to drive her away." Coco and Ding Ding also said lying on her other ear.

  Shen Ning was taken aback for a moment, and instantly understood something, hugged the three little ones, and bit his lips tightly.

  It seems that these three little kids are just here to avenge her today, Xiaofeng is likely to be played by these three little kids this time.

"Mommy, she always uses this trick to harm you, slander you, and provoke the relationship between you and Daddy. This time, we will learn from him." When Shen Ning was still in a daze, Tintin said this directly next to her ear said.

   It really is the trick of these three big little guys.

  She was a little dumbfounded for a while.

  However, when I thought that Bai Lianhua, who was usually super high, was tricked by three little guys, I felt a surge of joy in my heart.

   This means that bad people always have bad rewards.

  (end of this chapter)

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