Chapter 870 Conspiracy 1

"Mom, Ningning, let me take you and the children outside for a meal." After a while, Li Zhenting came out with a briefcase, under his thick black hair, his handsome face was perfect and impeccable .

   "Okay, let's go." Li Wanqing agreed.

  The family walked out.

   Night falls.

  In a simple apartment on the outskirts of the city.

A short-haired woman holds a lady's cigarette between her fingers, and is gracefully putting it into her mouth, taking a puff slowly, and then spit it out. A middle-aged man with blond hair, blue eyes, tall figure, and a denim T-shirt is sitting next to her He was sitting comfortably with his legs crossed.

   In front of them, stood a beautiful and seductive woman, she was Xiaofeng.

   "Mr. Reines, Ms. Li, I would like to ask you, is the chip implanted in Li Zhenting's brain still useful?" Xiaofeng asked aggrievedly as he touched his red and swollen face.

"How to say?"

   "Today he seems to have come to his senses again. Not only did he not defend me, but he also kicked me out." Xiaofeng's eyes were bloodshot and he was very angry.

During this period of time, Li Zhenting has indeed become more and more 'nice' to her, and is slowly accepting her, but suddenly, after seeing the children, he came to his senses again. drive away.

"Of course it works." The short-haired woman smiled contemptuously, "Now Li Zhenting loves Shen Ning, not you, Xiaofeng. If it weren't for the chip implanted in his brain, do you think you can get close to him? Dreaming Impossible."

"Miss Li, I am Xiaofeng. The woman he loves has always been Xiaofeng." Xiaofeng was not reconciled, "I knew him before, and he kept calling my name in his dreams. Why? No, I am the woman he loves deeply."

  She fought hard!

"You are really naive. Shen Ning has already given birth to three children for him. They have experienced hardships. Even if you had a vague first love with Li Zhenting, what is it? Will he divorce Shen Ning because of you? Not to mention He will abandon Shen Ning because of you. He is a shrewd businessman who weighs the pros and cons. It is his mission to make the company bigger and stronger. It is impossible for him to do something unethical because of you. His probably had none.

   Besides, even if you have the opportunity to get close to him and gain his love, the Li family will not accept you. The elders of the entire Li family only recognize Shen Ning as a daughter-in-law, so you can stay and cool off. "The short-haired woman snorted.

  Just because she actually wanted to be Mrs. Li, she thought so beautifully!

   This woman with short hair is none other than Li Xueyan!

  Since she was rescued by Renes's private plane in Li's old house last time, she left the imperial capital and went to the United States.

  The reason why Renes saved her was of course because of her identity and use value.

   As we all know, Li's Group is now a well-known high-tech company in China, and has gathered many industry elites.

  At present, the West is stepping up efforts to suppress the inland and curb the development of high-end technology projects in the inland. The Li Group is the company that scares the West the most. Their production of mobile phones, new energy vehicles, and especially 5G networks directly threaten the interests of the United States.

  The rulers of the United States have stepped up the blockade of chip technology in an attempt to jam the neck of the interior.

The Li Group is the company most likely to break through chip technology. According to their understanding, the chip design department of the Li Group has gathered many elites, and they have been vigorously researching chip design for a long time. Now they only need the last step. It worked.

  This is absolutely not allowed.

  They must destroy, and Li Xueyan is one of the best people they can use.

Li Xuexi is the eldest daughter of the Li family, and she has a deep hatred for the Li family. Last time, she was almost wiped out by Li Zhenting in the revenge supported by them. They used their greatest strength to find her in the woods of the back mountain. Killed her and brought her back to the United States.

  (end of this chapter)

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