Chapter 878 Looks like a different person

   "Brother Zhenting." Li Jiaojiao rushed in and pulled Xiaofeng up, threw him aside, and stretched out his hands to hug Li Zhenting's neck.

  Xiaofeng was already thin, but when Li Jiaojiao threw her body so hard, her body flew horizontally, her feet didn't stand firmly, and she fell to the ground.

   "Brother Zhenting, last time, you said you would give me back that gold card, why haven't you given it to me yet?" Li Jiaojiao put her arms around his neck and acted like a baby.

   "Jiaojiao, why did you come here?" Li Zhenting finally recognized that the girl who rushed in and hugged his neck was Li Jiaojiao after a long period of confusion, and asked in surprise.

"You still have the nerve to say, if I don't come back to look for you, you will forget about me." Li Jiaojiao beat his chest with her small hands, "You are really good or bad, and you have met a new woman. Forgot all about it."

  She deliberately said this, and she was intimate with him.

   Li Zhenting was dizzy from this sudden stalking. Suddenly, there was a severe pain in his brain, and his fingers touched his temples, and his heart became more and more restless.

  Recently, he has been getting more and more out of state, either he has a headache or is confused. Now that he is disturbed by someone, he even struggles to think about the problem.

  Xiaofeng never dreamed that a girl would come out on the way. This girl was full of extravagance and extraordinary clothes. She seemed to be a rich girl, and it seemed that she had a very close relationship with Li Zhenting.

  She stood up with her hands on the floor, and when she saw Li Zhenting's headache, she secretly rejoiced, hum, this girl is really looking for death, and dared to rob her of a man.

   "Zhen Ting, what's wrong with you? Do you have a headache? I'll pour you a cup of herbal tea and you'll be fine." She immediately rushed up and said with concern, and then went to pour a cup of dark herbal tea over.

   "What did you give Brother Zhen Ting to drink?" Li Jiaojiao saw that the herbal tea was dark and had a strong smell of medicine, so she stopped her and shouted angrily.

   "This is medicine for headaches, as long as he drinks it, he will be fine." Xiaofeng said calmly.

"Nonsense, Brother Zhen Ting is not sick at all, so he doesn't need to drink any medicine. He never drinks these bitter medicines when he grows up. Are you trying to harm him?" Li Jiaojiao domineeringly stopped Xiaofeng, Let her go, but also **** the medicine in her hand.

   "Xiaofeng, hurry up, give me the medicine, my head hurts." But at this moment, Li Zhenting stretched out his hand to Xiaofeng, and shouted impatiently.

  Xiaofeng smiled triumphantly at Li Jiaojiao, and said, "Zhenting, it's not that I don't give it to you, it's that she's stopping me, drive her away."

   "Get out." Sure enough, Li Zhenting yelled at Li Jiaojiao.

   "Brother Zhenting, you actually told me to get lost?"

  Li Jiaojiao is incredible. Although Li Zhenting is strict with her and sometimes gets angry, he will never let her go so rudely.

   "Get out." Unexpectedly, Li Zhenting yelled at her again with a gloomy face.

  Xiaofeng smiled provocatively at the side: "Miss, do you hear that, your brother Zhenting told you to get out, get out soon."

  Li Jiaojiao stood still.

   Xiaofeng came over and gave her a hard push, pushed her aside, took the medicine in his hand and gave it to Li Zhenting.

  He took it and drank it dry after holding his head up.

   After a while, he really didn't have a headache anymore. He sat on the soft chair and pinched the space between his eyebrows with his fingers.

   "Zhenting, are you alright?" Xiaofeng sat down on Li Jiaojiao's lap in front of Li Jiaojiao, wrapped his hands around his neck, and asked coquettishly and shyly.

   "It's okay, baby." Li Zhenting touched her face and spoke softly.

  Li Jiaojiao was dumbfounded.

  Is this still the shrewd and capable cousin? It's like a completely different person, even the eyes looking at her are strange and indifferent.

  She turned and walked out.

  (end of this chapter)

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