Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 879: She probably doesn't have leukemia

  Chapter 879 She probably didn't have leukemia

  In the car.

   "Aunt Jiaojiao, how is it? Is that **** okay?" Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao Qiqi looked at her.

  Li Jiaojiao looked at the three poor babies, patted their heads, and did not speak.

   "Aunt Jiaojiao, is it because you can't handle her?" Xiao Xiao was anxious.

  Li Jiaojiao pondered and asked: "How is your mommy now?"

   "She is very bad, she often cries, depressed, so pitiful." Xiao Xiaoxiao began to cry.

   "Hey." Li Jiaojiao sighed, and now even she wanted to cry, "Where is your mommy now?"

  The little guy shook his head, they haven't come home yet, I don't know why Mommy didn't come to the kindergarten to pick them up today.

   Okay, Li Jiaojiao took out her mobile phone and called Shen Ning.

  Floating Cafe.

   "Qingshan, is what you said true?" Shen Ning looked at Ji Qingshan with a solemn expression.

"Of course, the Imperial People's Hospital is where I work. I went to the archives room to retrieve her file today. She has no medical history, and it is also said that she probably did not have leukemia." Ji Qingshan's eyes sparked gloomyly. .

"Qingshan, it's impossible. Her disease was consulted by several experts from the People's Hospital, and she also underwent bone marrow transplantation. Could it be fake?" Shen Ning felt as if he had seen an alien. ask.

   "But have you seen all of this with your own eyes?" Ji Qingshan asked in a deep voice.

Shen Ning thought for a while, then shook his head: "I haven't seen it before, but I heard from Li Zhenting that it's impossible for him to be cheated by such a shrewd person. Oh, by the way, my mother-in-law Li Wanqing was there to take care of Xiaofeng's bone marrow transplant. As for her, if she can fool Li Zhenting, she can't fool Li Wanqing, right?"

   That day, her grandmother was seriously ill. Li Zhenting guarded her and did not go to the hospital. It was Li Wanqing who took care of Xiaofeng for him in the hospital.

  Li Wanqing has no affection for Xiaofeng at all, so it is impossible to protect her.

   "Yes, this is very strange." Ji Qingshan also found it incredible.

  But he definitely thinks there is something wrong with Xiaofeng! However, if she really didn't get sick, and the hospital dispatched so many experts to deceive Li Zhenting and Li Wanqing, then this method is too terrible. Can she do it on her own? Could it be...

  The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. If someone came to the Imperial People's Hospital with his hands and feet, it would be too scary.

"Well, for the time being, I can only tell you so much. In the future, if you pay more attention to her words and deeds, I will go back to the hospital to investigate. If there is such a monster, I will never allow her to make trouble. She returned to her original form." Ji Qingshan's face was grim and his tone was cold.

   "Okay, thank you." Shen Ning was very moved.

   While she was talking, her cell phone rang.

   She picked it up.

   "Cousin, where are you?" The call was from Li Jiaojiao.

   "I'm at the Fuguang Cafe, what's wrong?" Shen Ning asked with a smile, this little cousin actually called her.

   "Oh, I'm near here. Now Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao are in my car. I'll bring them over right away, waiting for us." Li Jiaojiao said and hung up the phone.

  Shen Ning was startled.

  Li Jiaojiao actually brought three children over. Today she came out in a hurry because she received a call from Ji Qingshan and didn't have time to pick up the children. Unexpectedly, Li Jiaojiao actually went to pick up the children.

   Not long after, she saw Li Jiaojiao's car parked outside.

   She stood up.

   "Then let's go." Ji Qingshan also stood up and followed her.

   The two walked outside.

  Li Jiaojiao parked the car and opened the door.

  Three little guys ran out of the car.

   "Mummy." Just as Shen Ning and Ji Qingshan came over, as soon as the little guy saw Shen Ning, he immediately ran towards her.

  Li Jiaojiao closed the car door and turned around.


  The stars flickered in front of my eyes.

  Oh my god, who is this man? He's so handsome!

  Her eyes fell on Ji Qingshan, her face was full of astonishment.

  The man was wearing a black shirt, his black pupils were gloomy, his whole body was cold, and he exuded a deep and indifferent breath.

Growing up so big, this is the first time she owes to see such a perfect man who can attract her, and what makes her heart moved is that the mature, deep, mysterious and unpredictable aura of this man has attracted her deeply .

  She looked at him in a daze.

  (end of this chapter)

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