Chapter 881 Who do you want?

   "Mrs. Li, I am the lobby manager of Times Hotel. Your husband is drunk and lying in the bathroom complaining of a headache. He asked me to call you and ask you to come over immediately."

   Shen Ning was stunned when he heard that.

  Is Li Zhenting drunk?

   "Is there no one else around him?"

   "No, he probably drank too much while socializing with clients. Come here right away. He has a terrible headache and looks in pain." Manager Yang's voice was very solemn.

   "Okay, I'll be right over."

  Although Shen Ning hates Li Zhenting so much now, her heart still hurts when she hears that he drank too much and collapsed in the bathroom crying for a headache!

   During the day, when she called him and asked him to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through divorce procedures, he said that there was an important project that was on the negotiation table.

  According to the usual practice, there must be a dinner party after such a negotiation, which is normal.

   It's just, why is he drunk there alone?

  She picked up the car keys and walked out.

  Times Hotel.

   As soon as Shen Ning entered, he saw Li Zhenting lying on the sofa in the lobby, with his head in his hands and his face in pain.

Beside   , the lobby manager in a black suit and skirt was standing by and taking care of him carefully.

  She frowned slightly and walked up.

   "Zhen Ting, what's wrong with you?" She bent down and asked.

   Li Zhenting should have heard a familiar voice, and then suddenly raised his head after a trance.

   "Xiaofeng." He suddenly hugged her like a helpless child, "My head hurts, please make me some cold tea."

  Seeing him hugging her and calling him Xiaofeng, Shen Ning's heart throbbed violently.

   "Why are you here alone? Who else?" She bit her lower lip and asked.

   "I have a headache." But Li Zhenting didn't seem to be able to hear her words clearly, so he just hugged her tightly and closed his eyes.

  This familiar body inexplicably made him feel at ease, and even relieved his headache a lot. It seemed that he hadn't felt this way for a long time. He hugged her tightly, as if he was afraid that she would run away.

  Shen Ning's hand finally lifted up and slowly landed on his head, his slender fingers passed through his hair, gently rubbed his head, and said in a low voice:

   "Zhen Ting, let me help you to the hospital, you drank too much."

   "No, I didn't drink too much." Li Zhenting shook his head, "Ningning, stay with me, my head hurts."

  He naturally called her Ningning.

   After a while, Shen Ning looked at his upright pale face, looking at her, his eyes were full of confusion: "Are you Xiaofeng or Ningning?"

   Shen Ning's eyes hurt, and he asked, "Who do you want?"

"I... want, Xiaofeng." Every time Li Zhenting has a headache, Xiaofeng will bring him herbal tea, and the pain will be gone after drinking it. Now he wants Xiaofeng to come over and drink herbal tea for him. Today is a big project , he couldn't leave the table because of a headache.

   Shen Ning's eyes were filled with sadness, and he said, "Okay, I'll call her."

  She was about to pick up her mobile phone to find Xiaofeng, when suddenly, footsteps came from there.

   "Vice President Shen." Someone was calling her.

   She looked up.

  I saw Leng Xue hurried over.

   "Vice President Leng, what's going on? Why did President Li get drunk and scream for a headache in the public restroom?" Shen Ning asked immediately when he saw Leng Xue.

  Cold-blooded with shame on his face: "During the party tonight, Mr. Li said on the way to go to the bathroom. I didn't care, but I didn't expect him to go for so long. I searched around and found this place."

   It turned out that after Li Zhenting drank a few glasses of wine, his head began to hurt, and the pain became more and more painful, so he had to use the toilet as an excuse to come out.

   When I walked to the toilet, my head was already hurting more and more. I leaned on the wall, lost consciousness for a short moment, and collapsed.

  The guest who came in to go to the bathroom saw him and thought he was drunk, so he ran out and told the lobby manager for fear of accidents.

  The lobby manager was shocked when he saw him. At that time, his face was pale and bloodless, his body was full of alcohol, and he was still screaming for a headache.

  She quickly asked someone to help him out.

  At this time, Li Zhenting took out his mobile phone and asked her to call Xiaofeng.

  He wants to drink medicine that won't cause headaches. Tonight's entertainment is very important. The other party is the CEO of a global computer giant, so he can't leave the venue.

  When the lobby manager opened his mobile phone address book, the word 'wife' was the first thing she saw. She didn't know who Xiaofeng was, so she called Shen Ning directly.

  (end of this chapter)

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