Chapter 882 He actually needs you very much

   "Vice President Leng, President Li often has headaches recently, you should take him to the hospital for an examination immediately." Shen Ning said decisively.

   "No, I have to go back to socialize, Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng." Unexpectedly, when Li Zhenting heard Shen Ning's voice, he raised his head, "This project is very important, I can't leave."

  As long as Xiaofeng comes over, his head won't hurt anymore.

   "Then go find Xiaofeng, I'll go first." Shen Ning said coldly, turned around and left.

   "Vice President Shen, please don't leave, stay with President Li, he actually needs you very much."

   "Wrong, what he needs is Xiaofeng."

"No, he needs you. You can accompany him. The party is not over so soon. I'm afraid something will happen to Mr. Li later, so I beg you." Leng Xue chased after him and begged in a low voice, "You too now The vice president of Li's Group should support the company's projects, I won't let Xiaofeng come over."

   "Why?" Shen Ning looked at him in surprise.

   "Madam, the identity of tonight's guest is very sensitive, related to the chip, Xiaofeng, I don't trust her." The cold-blooded voice was extremely low.

  Shen Ning was startled, this man is still very careful.

   She thought for a moment, then turned around.

   At this time, the manager of the lobby brought hangover soup, and after drinking it, Li Zhenting no longer hurts his head, and he became more sober.

"Ningning." After waking up, Li Zhenting saw Shen Ning at a glance and stared blankly. What happened during this period of time? How could she not be able to tell whether she was Shen Ning or Xiaofeng? He often compared her with Xiaofeng. Confused, is it because their faces are too similar? .

  Suddenly, there was a faint pain at the tip of his heart.

   "Ning Ning." He stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms, very excited.

  That's right, that's the feeling, she is his Ningning!

   But Shen Ning was cold and didn't speak.

   "Boss Li, we've been waiting inside for a long time, let's go in together." At this time, Leng Xue was urging beside him.

   "Okay." Li Zhenting agreed, took Shen Ning's hand and walked inside.

  The resplendent and resplendent large box was filled with smoke, and the delicate singing of warblers and swallows was entangled in the hearty laughter of the man.

  As soon as Shen Ning walked in, he saw Zhu Qixiong. He was sitting on the left, with a cigarette in his right hand, and the smoke curled up slowly.

  Seeing Shen Ning approaching, his eyes lit up.

   The guest of honor seated in the middle is the important customer for dinner tonight.

  His right elbow was resting on the table, his slender, white fingers held the phone, and the tip of his left finger tapped the table from time to time. His face was obscured by the smoke, but he was a very handsome young man.

   "President Lin, let me introduce you. This is Vice President Shen, the vice president of the Li Group, and also the wife of President Li."

   "Vice President Shen, this is Lin Shouyu, CEO of the global computer giant."

  Leng-Blood introduced them immediately.

   "Mr. Lin, hello." Shen Ning said generously.

  The man didn't say a word, he pressed the cigarette **** into the crystal ashtray with his slender fingers, and then slowly raised his head.

   "Hello Vice President Shen!" A vague smile flashed across Mr. Lin's face, and he stood up and walked in front of her. The tall figure gave Shen Ning a huge sense of oppression.

  Shen Ning was startled, and looked at him with some anxiety.

  After getting close, she saw his face clearly, with perfect facial features, handsome and handsome, with deep eyes and deep eyes, as if he had known him for a long time.

  She was a little confused.

   Next second.

   Lin Shouyu has hugged her!

   That's a warm American hug!

  Afterwards, the man kissed her forehead lightly and let her go.

  (end of this chapter)

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