Chapter 883 How do you know him?

   Shen Ning froze in place.

  But the strange man's breath quickly woke her up.

   "Thank you, Mr. Lin, for your love." She couldn't be rude on this occasion, so she finished speaking politely and sat down in her seat.

   "It turns out that President Lin and Deputy Shen are old acquaintances." Someone next to him said obsequiously.

  Lin Shouyu sat down calmly, lit another cigarette, squinted his eyes, and had a slight smile on his lips.

  Old acquaintance?

   Shen Ning was full of doubts, did she know this handsome man in front of her? Why didn't she have any impression?

  If he didn't know each other, why would he be so friendly to her, as if they were old acquaintances.

She raised her eyes again to look at this handsome face. The facial features are three-dimensional and deep, especially recognizable. The sword eyebrows are like peaks, which is a bit less shrewd than a businessman's philistine, mature and stable, and the faint smile is also a little bit Very sleek, with unfathomable ink pupils.

  When she looked at him, he looked at her.

  The eyes of the two met, and Shen Ning had a similar feeling in a moment.

  After Shen Ning's arrival, the whole entertainment was extremely cheerful and harmonious. Some projects that were not discussed at the beginning, Lin Shouyu also readily agreed after seeing Shen Ning.

  On the wine table, Lin Shouyu looked at Shen Ning from time to time, his deep eyes seemed to contain countless unknown voices, and when he occasionally glanced at Shen Ning's face, countless spring breezes would startle.

  Shen Ning could feel his deep and gentle gaze from time to time, whenever she looked at him, he would immediately look at her, restrained and deep, gentle as water.

  She was panicking.

  After the banquet, Li Zhenting took Shen Ning back to Li's Castle.

   "Ning Ning, do you know Lin Shouyu?" Shen Ning was about to get out of the car, but Li Zhenting held her back, with a sour tone and deep jealousy in his eyes.

   Shen Ning looked at this man with sadness in his heart.

   "Yes." She admitted against her will.

   "How did you know him? When?" Li Zhenting asked, his face darkened.

Knowing Shen Ning for so long, I only know that there is Jing Chenxi who loves her with all his heart. Zhu Qixiong who appeared later was a playboy. It made him feel uneasy, but these years, Ji Qingshan and Shen Ning have not been in close contact.

  Now, the more excellent Lin Shouyu gave him a faint sense of foreboding. Intuitively, there seemed to be many connections between this Lin Shouyu and Shen Ning, and they were very close.

Today at Jiuyan, Lin Shouyu's performance was very concerned about Shen Ning, his eyes stayed on her face all the time, there was admiration and love, anyone with a discerning eye could feel it, and in front of him, he actually kissed her, Hug her like he doesn't exist.

   Didn't he know she was his wife?

   I really didn't expect Shen Ning's charm to be so great! So many good men care about her.

"Li Zhenting, are you qualified to ask me? You and Xiaofeng are together every day, cuddling in front of me. I just used the hug ceremony with a man, and you interrogate me like this. What do you mean? Worry about me and Do you have a relationship with other men?" Shen Ning shook off his hand and asked back on his face.

   Li Zhenting was stunned, and said: "Ningning, don't think too much, Xiaofeng and I are just working together, nothing else, I love you."

Come on!

  A woman who accompanied him, sitting on his lap and hooking his neck, turned out to be just a partner in work with him. Is it because she is stupid or is there a problem with his thinking itself!

never mind!

  (end of this chapter)

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