Chapter 884 This is a perfect opportunity

"When and how did I meet him? That's all my business, and it's also something that happened before I met you. It has nothing to do with you. As long as I don't cheat on you during the duration of my marriage with you I am sorry for you, I have a clear conscience, you ask yourself, who are you worthy of."

Shen Ning pushed the car door and got out of the car, standing outside the car door, the street lamps sprinkled on her face, covering her face with a layer of gray, "Li Zhenting, when are you free to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through divorce procedures? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

   Li Zhenting trembled all over, a chill permeated his limbs.

   "Ningning, we are husband and wife, I will not divorce." Li Zhenting categorically denied

   "But didn't you agree that day?" Shen Ning widened his eyes.

That day? Li Zhenting stared blankly out of the car window, did he promise her? How could he not remember at all!

   "Ningning, no, I won't divorce you, you are my wife, I don't want a divorce." Li Zhenting had a headache, suddenly lost control of his emotions, and shouted loudly.

  Shen Ning's mood was also gray, as cold as snow.

   "Li Zhenting, I hope you act like a man, keep what you say, and don't go back on what you say." She was also emotionally unstable, and said in a cold voice, "I'll see you in the political situation tomorrow morning."

   She said coldly, turned around and walked in.

   "Ah." Li Zhenting put his head in his hands and slammed it on the steering wheel, making his headache even more severe.

   After a while, he stepped on the accelerator, started the car and drove out.

  In the darkness, Shen Ning stood in front of the glass window on the second floor, watching the man's car drive out, his heart was broken into pieces.

  He must be looking for Xiaofeng again.

If he can catch up tonight, cry and repent to her, promise to break up with Xiaofeng in the future, never have any contact with her again, and can handle their relationship well, maybe, for the sake of the child in his belly On the other hand, she will choose to forgive him.

  But he didn't, instead he went to find Xiaofeng again!

  Hey, she laughed, tears streaming down her face.

  Li Group.

"Xiaofeng, Lin Shouyu has already signed many contracts with the Li Group tonight, you have to figure out which contracts they have signed. Remember, you must not let the Li Group design chips." Xiaofeng was standing In the office, Reines called and gave solemn instructions.

"Okay." Xiaofeng gritted his teeth and said dissatisfiedly, "Mr. Reines, Li Zhenting is surrounded by elites. They are so smart. My strength alone is limited. Like tonight, Li Zhenting and Lin Shouyu I should have attended the negotiation dinner, but the vice president around him was cold-blooded and wouldn't let me get involved. If this continues, I'm afraid they will find out and kick me out soon. You implanted in Li Zhenting's brain Is the chip in it useful? I still can't get close to him, and I can't get him. You have to know that only when I really get him can he be responsible for me, and I can be Mrs. Li. Only by gaining power can you complete your mission."

Reines laughed dryly over there: "Don't worry, he is now on his way to Li's Group to find you. This is an excellent opportunity. You should seize it. The situation is critical now, and you must seize the opportunity if you have one." .”

   "Really?" Xiaofeng was overjoyed, his eyes full of spring.

   "Of course, go wash up and dress up, the spring night is short, I wish you success as Mrs. Li." Reneth laughed and put down the phone.

  (end of this chapter)

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