Chapter 889 Care

  In the hospital.

   Leng Fei had a serious face.

   "Vice President Leng, according to the results of the MRI, it is normal to find nothing bad in President Li's brain." The chief doctor looked at the MRI picture and pondered.

   "Then why does he have frequent headaches, paroxysmal, sometimes suddenly, and now it's getting worse."

  If his estimation is correct, the reason why he fainted this time must be related to the headache.

   "Then, how long has it been since Mr. Li's headache symptoms occurred?"

   Leng Fei thought for a while and replied: "It won't be long, just about half a month."

There was a cold light in his eyes. Before Xiaofeng appeared, Li always had never had a headache. He was full of vitality, strong and healthy, and he exercised in the gym every day. He was decisive and wise in making decisions. A well-headed eagle.

  But a few days after Xiaofeng appeared, Mr. Li's mental state was not very good, and now it is getting worse and worse, and he even fell into a coma, which is not a trivial matter.

   "Let's do this, first get an injection to reduce the fever, then stay in the hospital for observation for a few days, and then do an MRI examination three days later." The chief doctor could only suggest this.

   "Okay." Cold-blooded and helpless, he could only agree.


  When Shen Ning came out of the cafe, it started to rain.

  She was walking aimlessly on the street with an umbrella.

   Today is a small year, and there are very few pedestrians on the street.

  The north wind is blowing, and everyone is hiding at home for the New Year.

   Occasionally, one or two passers-by pass by, all gasping, shrinking their necks, and walking in a hurry.

  Shen Ning's eyes were blank, and her steps became heavier and heavier. The sky and the earth are so big, and there is no place that belongs to her alone. She doesn't know where to go.

   After walking down a street, her cell phone rang.

   She picked it up.

   "Madam, Mr. Li is ill, with a high fever, and is currently in the hospital." The call came in cold blood.

  Shen Ning was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Which hospital is it?"

   "Didu People's Hospital."

   "Ma'am, now when Mr. Li needs you the most, I hope you can stay by his side and take good care of him." Leng Xue begged over there.

   "Where's Xiaofeng?" she asked.

   "Madam, it is not suitable for Xiaofeng to appear beside President Li. I will tell you some things later."

  Shen Ning pursed his lower lip, and replied, "Okay, I'll be right there."

   "Thank you ma'am."

  Shen Ning thought for a while, then raised his hand to hail a taxi and headed towards the Imperial Capital People's Hospital.

  In the hospital ward.

   Li Zhenting was lying on the hospital bed, holding a bottle, his face was flushed, his face was haggard, and he was in a coma.

  Only seeing him, Shen Ning's heart throbbed inexplicably.

  It wasn't until this moment that she realized that the once tall and mighty man was lying on the hospital bed like a helpless baby, with a high fever, so weak and helpless.

   Is this the result of his love with Xiaofeng?

She stretched her fingers over and touched his forehead slowly, her skin was still hot, when she bent down to cover him with the quilt, only then did she realize that the man who was once full of vigor had only touched his cheeks in just a few days. They were all sunken, and the whole person seemed to be a different person.

  She frowned, feeling a faint pain in her heart.

   But when he thought that his appearance was all because of Xiaofeng, his heart became cold again.

   But no matter what, she is still his wife in the legal sense and has the responsibility to take care of him.

  And in this life, she has only loved this man, and even now she still loves him, otherwise, she would not remarry him.

  She called the nurse over and asked about the details. The nurse told her not to worry, saying that the fever would subside soon, and asked her to take good care of him.

   Sure enough, after a while, fine sweat oozed from Li Zhenting's forehead. She took a closer look and saw that his neck was covered in sweat. She reached out to his back and his clothes were already soaked.

  She immediately brought hot water and began to wipe Li Zhenting's body and change his hospital clothes.

  The man's skin is very fair. When Shen Ning wiped his body, his face was a little enthusiastic. Although they had been husband and wife for many years, they didn't really spend much time together. To each other, they were actually quite fresh.

  If it wasn't for Xiaofeng's sudden appearance, this time, after their remarriage, they might still be in love with each other. But it was also because of Xiaofeng's appearance that she completely saw the relationship between her and Li Zhenting.

   Her heart was particularly heavy.

  There is no future between them so far, and the reason why they take care of him now is just to do their best as husband and wife.

  (end of this chapter)

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