Chapter 890 is getting more and more similar

  In the groggy darkness, Li Zhenting's body fell straight down.

   "Ah." He clasped his head in his hands and shouted anxiously.

   Severe pain in the brain, blood in both eyes, and darkness ahead.

  I don't know where I am, I only know that I am accelerating towards the bottom of an unfathomable cliff.

   Just when he was about to lose consciousness and panicked to the extreme.


  A girl hugged him tenderly, stroked his eyes, and comforted him softly.

  His head no longer hurts, his eyes no longer hurt, like a spring breeze, he came from the darkness to a place where the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming and the sun is bright.

  A gentle and beautiful girl is by your side, the spring is bright, and life is so beautiful.

  His heart settled down.

   "Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng." He opened his eyes suddenly, and it turned out that he had that nightmare again, and what caught his eyes was a pair of big eyes with concern and anxiety.

  He looked at her fixedly, stretched out his hands to grab Shen Ning's hand, and murmured as if he had caught a life-saving straw: "Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng."

   After scrubbing Li Zhenting and putting on clean hospital clothes, Shen Ning tidied up the entire ward. Leng Xue brought her a health pot, and she began to brew cassia mint green tea.

  In these years, Li Zhenting likes to drink this green tea every time when his eyes are uncomfortable or he has a headache. After drinking it, he feels refreshed and much more comfortable.

  After boiling the health pot, she sat in front of Li Zhenting's hospital bed and showed the children a video.

  Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao have already had winter vacation and are playing at home.

   Looking at the cute faces of the children in the video, the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

  At this moment, Li Zhenting, who was lying on the hospital bed, yelled out in pain, holding his head in his hands, his face in pain.

   "Zhen Ting, what's wrong with you?" She was taken aback, turned off the video quickly, stood up and put her hand on his forehead and stroked it gently.

  But Li Zhenting seemed to be in greater pain, with an expression of despair and pain on his entire face.

  She stared at him blankly. That day, when he had a high fever during eye surgery, she had the same expression.

   It must be a nightmare.

   It must still be that horrible dream. On the back mountain, he was pushed down the mountain by Li Jinchong from behind, and a sharp branch pierced his eyes... Then, Xiaofeng saved him.

   Sure enough, the next second, Li Zhenting opened his eyes, held her hands, and called her with a confused expression: "Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng."

  Shen Ning paused, let go of his hands, and patted his shoulder lightly: "Zhenting, I am Shen Ning, not Xiaofeng."

   "No, you are my Xiaofeng." After staring at her blankly for a while, Li Zhenting woke up, picked her up suddenly, and buried his head in her arms.

  He felt more and more that Shen Ning was his little style, and that feeling became more and more similar.

"No, I'm just Shen Ning, Zhen Ting, you just got rid of your fever and your body is weak, lie down and have a good rest, I'll get you some tea." Shen Ning gently pushed him away, and pressed him down on the hospital bed , covered him with the quilt, turned around and poured a cup of clear green tea.

  After the high fever, Li Zhenting had a dry mouth and throat. He smelled the wavy fragrance, which filled his heart and spleen, and he drank it dry in one sip.

   "I want more." He handed the cup to Shen Ning.


  Shen Ning took the cup and turned around and walked to the health pot, gently stirred the tea leaves, the fragrance filled the air, and slowly filtered the tea water.

   Li Zhenting stared blankly at her, feeling an inexplicable pain and throbbing in his heart.

   "Thank you, Ningning." After drinking several glasses in a row, he finally quenched his thirst, and said thankfully.

  Shen Ning lowered his head and lowered his eyes slightly.

   "Are you hungry?" she asked softly.

   "I want to drink some porridge." Li Zhenting replied softly.

   After drinking the green tea, his mind became clearer and clearer. The woman standing in front of him was his wife Shen Ning.

  (end of this chapter)

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