Chapter 891 I'm sorry for you and the children

"Ningning, are the children okay now? Are you obedient?" He thought of his favorite children, as if he hadn't seen them for a long time, and he didn't even think of them. At this moment, when his mind was clear Finally, paternal love welled up in my heart, and I blurted out the question with special guilt.

   "They're okay, they just miss Daddy a little bit." Shen Ning's brows and eyes were light.

   "Ning Ning, I'm sorry for you and the children." He held her hand and suddenly choked up his voice.

  During this time, many times, he didn't even know what he was doing.

   Shen Ning's eyes were cool, and he pursed his lips.

  Maybe he was too tired, Li Zhenting woke up from the fever and soon fell asleep again.

  Shen Ning called Aunt Dong and asked her to help Li Zhenting cook porridge and make dumplings.

   Li's Castle.

   "Look, what is this bad woman doing so ghostlyly? She must be stealing something." In the study, Ding Ding suddenly yelled.

  Ke Ke heard this and immediately ran over to look at the monitor, only to see Xiao Feng rummaging around in Daddy's office with a flustered expression, obviously, she was looking for something that didn't belong to her.

   "Damn woman, **** it." He cursed bitterly.

"Why does Daddy always believe her? Are you men like this?" Xiaoxiao's eyes were full of anger. She slept with Mummy every night. When she woke up in the middle of the night and went to the toilet, she heard Mummy calling Crying, she can feel distressed.

  Coco and Ding Ding looked innocent: "Please, don't call all the men in the world like this, okay, at least we are not, we are not interested in women at all, and when will we be right and wrong?"

   "Okay." Tiny pecked her head, folded her arms, and said bitterly: "Stinky Daddy, if you treat Mommy like this, I won't treat you well when you get old, hmph."

   "Well, we all support you." Ke Ke and Xiao Xiao nodded at the same time.

   "What's the use of supporting me, the key is how to get rid of that ugly woman now and help Mommy get back Daddy." Xiao Xiao jumped anxiously.

   "Don't worry, we will think of a way. Aunt Jiaojiao will help us."

"Aunt Jiaojiao? Cut." Ding Ding's face was full of disdain, "Didn't you see that she couldn't move her eyes when she saw the doctor uncle named Ji, so she couldn't think of any good way to help us?" , she either wants a man, or she wants our gold bars and melon seeds, she is a scumbag."

   "Uh." Coco and Xiaoxiao heard black lines all over their heads.

  In the ward, after Li Zhenting fell asleep, Shen Ning was also groggy lying beside her. After pregnancy, her body was always so sleepy and tired.

  She nestled on the sofa and dozed off.

   "Zhenting, Zhenting, don't be afraid, I'm here, don't be afraid." At some point, she heard a woman's voice and got up in shock.

  I saw Xiaofeng hugging Li Zhenting's head, patting his back gently with his fingers, comforting him very tenderly, while Li Zhenting was falling asleep in her arms.

   When did Xiaofeng come?

  Shen Ning was very surprised.

   It looks like Li Zhenting is having a nightmare again! She didn't hear his cry in the dream because she fell asleep.


  The moment she saw Xiaofeng hugging Li Zhenting, a strong nausea surged in her stomach!

   "Zhenting, sleep well, don't be afraid, I'm by your side." At this time, Xiaofeng kissed Li Zhenting's face, slowly put him on the hospital bed, and cared for him like a child.

  Shen Ning stood there and watched his man fall asleep peacefully under the comfort of another woman. The feeling was like being pricked by a needle, which was painful.

  (end of this chapter)

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