Chapter 896 I am definitely a gentleman

   "Ning Ning." Suddenly, someone called her name in the cold wind.

  Shen Ning turned his head.

  I saw a black luxury car parked in front of her, the window was opened, revealing a young man's face.

  Zhu Qixiong.

   "Master Zhu." Shen Ning looked at him and smiled.

   "Ning Ning, why are you here?" Zhu Qixiong just came back from a club, did not expect to see Shen Ning on the street, immediately opened the door and got out of the car.

   "I'm just walking around and relaxing."

  Go for a walk, relax?

  It’s such a cold day, and it’s a new year, a woman will walk in the cold wind to relax?

  Of course he wouldn't believe it.

   "Ningning, come with me." Looking at her pale face, he felt inexplicably distressed, and took her hand, ready to take her away from the darkness.

  Shen Ning withdrew his hand to refuse.

  But Zhu Qixiong couldn't help but bring her into the car.

"Young Master Zhu, where are you taking me?" Sitting in the car, the air conditioner inside was turned on to the maximum, and she was warm all over. Shen Ning turned her head and saw that the scenery outside the car was facing the opposite direction after warming up. Yes, please ask.

   "Go back to my home, silly girl, celebrate the new year tonight, you know? It's unsafe and distressing for you to wander outside like this." Zhu Qixiong stretched out a hand and scratched her head pityingly.

   This is the only woman who makes him think about getting married. She must have suffered a lot from Li Zhenting. He feels distressed and wants to give her some warmth.

   "This is not good." A married woman went to a single man's house, it seemed that it was not good, and she immediately looked embarrassed.

  Zhu Qixiong smiled: "I am single, there is no one else in the family except a nanny, don't worry, in front of you, I am definitely a gentleman."

   Shen Ning felt embarrassed when he heard that, thinking that she really had nowhere to go, and she didn't want to go back to Li's Castle, and she didn't object.

  The car soon stopped in a villa with red bricks and green tiles.

   Zhu Qixiong got out of the car and opened the door to welcome her out of the car.

   "Young master, you are back." He led Shen Ning into the living room, and a middle-aged nanny greeted him respectfully and politely.

   "Mother Yun, this is Ms. Shen, you prepare a good guest room for her tonight, complete with all the toiletries." He ordered.

   "Okay, young master." Yunma agreed and immediately went to prepare.

Zhu Qixiong bent down to open the shoe cabinet, personally took a pair of small-sized men's slippers for Shen Ning and put them in front of her, and said embarrassingly: "Ning Ning, I'm so sorry, I don't have any women's shoes at home as a single dog. You can put on the pair of men’s slippers first, and I will buy women’s slippers for you in the online store immediately, and ask them to deliver them.”

   "No, you don't need to buy it, this pair is very good." Shen Ning immediately took off his shoes and sucked them into the slippers, took two steps, and smiled: "These shoes fit well, and they are very comfortable to wear."

  Zhu Qixiong's eyes deepened, and he smiled: "Only I know whether the shoes fit or not. I know what kind of shoes I want to wear, but I don't know if Miss Shen is clear."

   Shen Ning was taken aback for a moment, this man had something to say.

  In fact, she just said that casually, without thinking of other meanings, but when she raised her eyes to meet the man's deep eyes, her face turned red.

   This man obviously thinks too much.

   She avoided talking, turned and walked towards the living room.

   Zhu Qixiong smiled and followed behind.

   Sure enough, it is a place where men live. The decoration style of the whole house is cold gray series, which is cold, simple and fashionable.

   "Ning Ning, sit down first, I'll make you some tea." After Zhu Qixiong asked Shen Ning to sit down on the leather sofa, he walked to the bar cabinet with long legs and took a glass to fetch hot water.

  (end of this chapter)

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