Chapter 897 Sympathy

   "Here, please drink tea." After a while, Zhu Qixiong brought hot water and put it in front of Shen Ning.


   "Ningning, let me celebrate the New Year today, shall I make you a mutton hot pot?" The man stood in front of the sofa, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and smiled.

   "You can cook?" Shen Ning looked at him in amazement.

  The prodigal son in love, the typical rich second generation, Zhu Dashao, can even cook?

   "Hey, what kind of eyes are you looking at? Why can't I know how to cook? Judging people by their appearance is a bad thing." Zhu Qixiong gave him a look of contempt and dissatisfaction.

  Shen Ning laughed:

   "Well, I'm really hungry, and I really want to see your cooking skills."


  Zhu Qixiong snapped his fingers, twisted his waist and walked towards the kitchen.

  Shen Ning saw that he was tall and tall, and he exuded the air of a nobleman, but he was dressed in an ironed suit to show the integrity of a gentleman like a dog.

   Only he, a prodigal son in love, can wear a suit with such aura.

   Regarding Zhu Qixiong, Shen Ning has gotten to know him a little bit during this period of time. In the eyes of outsiders, he hangs around in romantic places and is cynical, but through contact during this period of time, Shen Ning feels that he is still a little different.

  He's not exactly a prodigal son in love, he's more or less deep and elegant, and he's not that rascal either, he's probably the kind of flirtatious but not nasty.

"Ah, you really know how to cook, and you seem to be very proficient. Do you often cook?" In the kitchen, Shen Ning stood by and watched Zhu Qixiong skillfully chop vegetables and mix seasonings. He was very surprised. Chinese style, and Western style, this kind of style cannot be practiced in a day or two.

   "You think I'm a pig who only knows how to eat. Let me tell you, I can cook at a very young age, and I can do as well as you." He looked proud.

  Shen Ning looked at him unexpectedly: "Is your mother willing to let you cook at such a young age?"

   Although the Zhu family is not as good as the Jing family in the imperial capital, it can definitely be ranked in the top three.

  In such a favorable environment, the dignified young master of the Zhu family had to cook and eat when he was very young. No one would believe it.

   "My mother died when I was very young." After a pause, Zhu Qixiong said suddenly, with no expression on his face.

  Shen Ning was stunned, and then repeatedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned it."

   "It's okay, I don't care." Zhu Qixiong shook his head and continued to mix the pasta.

  Shen Ning didn't speak anymore.

   After a while, she went to the toilet to check the relevant information on her mobile phone.

It turned out that Zhu Qixiong's mother died when Zhu Qixiong was three years old. Now Zhu Qixiong's father, Zhu Guangtao's wife is his second wife. She gave birth to four children for Zhu Guangtao. Although Zhu Qixiong is the eldest son of the Zhu family, but in He has never been favored by his stepmother's pillow.

Now, he only holds a small part of Zhu's company's equity and has no real power. It is all managed by his second brother Zhu Qifa. In the future, the family property allocated to him will not be too much, and the family company will naturally not be left to him. take care of.

  Shen Ning thought, the reason why he would spend his time outside was probably related to his experience and the ruthless reality.

  So, in life, everyone has their own destiny of happiness. Sadness and pain are tailor-made for you when you are born. Only with kind thoughts in your heart can you get peace of mind and blessings.

  At this moment, she felt a sense of sympathy for this man Zhu Qixiong, and the distance in her heart was shortened a lot.

  Although she had a mother since she was a child, she has never received a father's love, and Zhu Qixiong seems to be worse than her. His mother died at the age of three, and his biological father is useless.

  (end of this chapter)

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