Chapter 898 Is my wife coming home tonight?

   Li's Castle.

   "Why hasn't Miss come back yet?"

  Aunt Dong stood on the steps in the front garden and looked out from time to time. Shen Ning went out early in the morning and hasn't come back yet. She is very worried about her.

After returning to Li's Castle this time, for some reason, she became more worried about Shen Ning. She had been here for several days, and she had hardly seen Li Zhenting's face. Although Li Wanqing treated Shen Ning pretty well, she always felt that Satisfied.

  The smile on Shen Ning's face became less and less, and his complexion was not good-looking.

The north wind outside was blowing loudly, Aunt Dong looked outside, the street lamps gave off dim yellow lights in the dark night, and the asphalt road in the distance was deserted, it seemed that she would not come back tonight Bar.

  She sighed, turned around and walked towards the living room. She wasn't familiar with this home. If Shen Ning was here, she would be more at ease. Now that Shen Ning doesn't come home, she feels more and more uncomfortable.

   Just as she turned around, suddenly, a head shrank back from the curtain of the living room. She was startled, and hurried a few steps into the living room. When she looked up, she saw a figure walking up the stairs.

   "Xiaofeng." She called out.

  Xiaofeng turned around, looked nervous, lowered her head, and asked, "Aunt Dong, what's the matter?"

   "Aren't you going to bed so late?" She was sure that the head that shrank in just now must be Xiaofeng, so late, she didn't go to sleep, and she was still peeping at her here, what on earth was she trying to do?

   "Aunt Dong, I have to work the night shift, so I can't sleep." Xiaofeng laughed along.

"Since you are on the night shift, what are you doing here if you don't take care of Ke Ke and Young Master Ding Ding?" She asked seriously, "It's cold, so you must remember to cover them with quilts, don't get cold, even though the floor heating is on, But how many degrees below zero is it outside?"

   "Okay, I'll go right away." Xiaofeng nodded in agreement, then suddenly looked outside and asked with concern: "Madam, will you be home tonight?"

   "What do you ask her for? Just do your own job."

   "Yes, it's just that if the wife comes home, she will sleep with Xiaoxiao, so that I don't have to look after Xiaoxiao, so I'll ask." She replied in a low voice.

   Aunt Dong made sense after hearing what she said, so she said: "Aren't you on the night shift, pay attention, if the wife doesn't come back, you have to take care of Xiaoxiao, don't let the child kick the quilt."

   "Okay, I will, Aunt Dong, then I will go up first." Xiaofeng responded, then turned and walked upstairs.

  Aunt Dong looked at her figure and frowned. For some reason, she didn't like this Xiaofeng more and more.

   Zhujia Villa.

   "Ning Ning, what red wine do you want to drink?" Zhu Qixiong opened the wine cabinet, stood in front, and asked with a smile.

   "No, I don't drink." Shen Ning hurriedly shook his head.

   "It's cold, drink some red wine to warm up your body. If you don't tell me, I'll just grab a bottle." Zhu Qixiong took a bottle of French red wine and walked over to open the bottle.

   "Young Master Zhu, I really can't drink." Shen Ning took the wine bottle in his hand, pursed his lips, and said, "I'm already three months pregnant."

  Zhu Qixiong was stunned, he let go of the hand holding the red wine, and the red wine bottle fell down. Fortunately, Shen Ning who was on the side reacted in time and supported the red wine bottle with both hands.

   "Then you don't drink, I will." After a while, he pursed his lips, took the red wine from her hand, opened it, and poured himself a full glass.

   "Ning Ning, eat some mutton to warm up." He picked up the serving chopsticks and gave Shen Ning a piece of mutton, put it in her bowl, then took a glass of red wine and drank it into his mouth.

  (end of this chapter)

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