Chapter 899 I have decided to divorce

   "Young Master Zhu, eat some food first, don't drink so much wine." Shen Ning saw that his eye circles were red after taking a sip of the wine, so he hurriedly picked up some food for him, and persuaded him to eat.

"Ning Ning, Li Zhenting is really not a thing, why does he treat you like this, scumbag." After drinking a glass of wine, it seemed to arouse the anger in his heart, and he slammed his fist on the table, "Such a good woman Why doesn’t he know how to cherish it? And you, Ningning, why did you have to hang yourself on a tree? Wouldn’t it be nice to leave him?”

  Shen Ning was taken aback when he heard that, feeling sour in his heart.

   "Young Master Zhu, I have decided to divorce." She replied in a low voice.

   "But what about the child in your belly?"

   "I decided to go to a place that no one knows, give birth to the child, and raise him." Shen Ning's fingers clenched the chopsticks tightly, and his heart ached sharply.

Zhu Qixiong roared: "Shen Ning, you are still so naive, don't you know how unfortunate it is for him to grow up in an environment without father's love? Take me for example, although I grew up in a rich family, I don't know I lack food and drink, but I have never been happy since I was a child. I have low self-esteem and sensitivity. I dare not do anything, and I care about other people's eyes. My life is now a tragedy. And you, a woman who brought children Big, let’s not talk about those troubles, life alone becomes a problem.”

  Shen Ning's eye circles were red.

  Zhu Qixiong and Ji Qingshan both said the same thing, but does she have a choice?

   She was so sad that she shed tears.

  Zhu Qixiong poured another glass of wine and drank it with his head held high, before placing the glass heavily on the table.

   "The shadow of childhood takes a lifetime to heal, and I haven't found anyone who can help me heal the shadow." He hung his head, desolate and decayed all over, like a helpless child.

   "Master Zhu." Shen Ning looked at him in fear.

   At this moment, their hearts have never been so close.

  They are also down-and-out and frustrated people. Sitting together on such a cold winter night, they resonate strongly, and the distance between their hearts gets closer and closer.

"Master Zhu, you still have a bright future, cheer up. Although you were unfortunate in childhood, you had food and clothes to wear. You lived a life of a master, but there are many people who not only have no food, Without parents, they are the worst, compared to them, you and I are considered happy, you know?" She comforted him.

  Zhu Qixiong lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

   "Cough, cough." Shen Ning pressed his lips together.

   "I'm sorry." He immediately put out the cigarette butt, sat deeply, and said in a low voice, "Shen Ning, I'm a big man, it doesn't matter, I'm worried about you, you are a weak woman."

   "Although a woman is weak, a mother is strong. I have already raised two children, and I am not afraid of another one." Thinking of Ke Ke and Xiao Xiao, her cold heart warmed up again, and a smile appeared on her face.

   If you want to say where the meaning of life is, then maybe it is here, to inherit and continue life!

  Zhu Qixiong suddenly raised his head and looked at her.

  The woman's pale face was blushing with happiness, and the whole body was shining with the radiance of maternal love, which he had never seen before.

  He no longer struggled with this problem, but felt depressed.

"Ning Ning, I am very lucky to have met you. It was not until I met you that I began to think about life, the path I had traveled, and the future." He reached out and held her hand, looking at her with burning eyes. she.

  Shen Ning didn't avoid his hand, but just looked at him: "Young Master Zhu, some people say that you just want to play games in the world and don't plan to get married for the rest of your life, is that true?"

  Zhu Qixiong looked at her with narrow eyes: "No, I met a woman who wants to marry now, but that woman doesn't like me."

Shen Ning was startled, dodging his scorching eyes, and smiled: "Congratulations, then, you have met. Now that you have met, go after her. As long as you are sincere to her, I believe she can feel your love." of."

   "Is it true?" he murmured.

  Shen Ning didn't dare to look him in the eyes, somehow, she always felt that he was talking about her, so she didn't dare to answer.

  (end of this chapter)

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