Chapter 900 I will love you forever

  Didu People's Hospital.

  Xiaofeng sat in front of Li Zhenting's hospital bed, staring obsessively at the handsome man in front of him, slowly stretched out his fingers, and touched his chest.

  The man has a strong chest and eight abdominal muscles are faintly visible.

   She swallowed.

  Last time, in the office, she didn't sleep him well.

   Right now, this is a good opportunity.

   After all, this is a private room, so late, no one will come to disturb them, and now Li Zhenting is very obedient to her, obeying her in everything, just a doll.

  If she can sleep with him, then he will be responsible for her, if she can conceive a child...

  Her eyes were shining with colorful lights, and she began to feel flustered. She walked over and closed the door, and stretched out her hands to take off her clothes...

   Not long after, she stripped herself naked and got under Li Zhenting's quilt.

  When she began to undress Li Zhenting and stroked the skin on his chest, she didn't know what was going on, maybe Li Zhenting couldn't stand this kind of stimulation.


  He yelled 'headache', turned over, and threw her out.

   "Ah." Xiaofeng was thrown and fell to the ground. Her limbs were so painful that her teeth were cracked and her eyes were cracked. She struggled for a long time before she sat up.

  Cold and in pain, she looked at Li Zhenting.

  I saw him sitting on the bed with his head in his hands for a while and then fell asleep again.

  It seems that he didn't treat her like this intentionally or unconsciously, but was just stimulated.

   No, you have to strengthen your control over him, it's best to make him as docile as a sheep and let her play around.


   She gritted her teeth and sat up, put on her coat, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Reines.

   "Ah, my head hurts." Not long after, Li Zhenting put his head in his hands and yelled on the bed, shrinking into a ball.

   "Zhenting, what's the matter with you?" Xiaofeng was overjoyed, quickly put down the phone, climbed onto the bed immediately, put him in his arms, and asked softly.

   "Xiaofeng, my head hurts." Li Zhenting said in pain.

   "Hey, I'll rub it for you. Don't worry, it won't hurt in a while." She said softly, and stretched out her fingers to help him gently rub his scalp. After a while, Li Zhenting really stopped crying about the pain.

"Zhen Ting, I love you, I will give myself to you, you must treat me well in the future, Shen Ning will come to ask you for a divorce tomorrow, you must agree to sign, and then we will get married, don't worry, in the future I will love you forever, and will be good to your children, and I will give you several white and fat sons." Xiaofeng stroked the skin on Li Zhenting's chest, speaking softly, fingers Circles were drawn on his chest.

   "Zhen Ting, do you feel happy?" After a while, she was hot all over, and wanted to take off his pants, and slowly climbed onto his body...

   "Ah, headache." Suddenly, Li Zhenting yelled a headache, rolled over and sat up.

   "Ah." Xiaofeng screamed, and was thrown off the bed again by him, lying on the ground, his face turned white from the pain.

   "President Li, what's the matter with you?" At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and a cold-blooded voice sounded outside.

  Xiaofeng was angry and angry, and there was a dark light of resentment in his eyes.

  Damn guy, this cold blood is here again!

   Once he came over, her plan could only fail.

   "Quick, open the door." Leng Xue called the nurse, because the door was locked, the nurse had to bring a special key.

  Xiaofeng heard the sound of the key moving in the keyhole, his face changed color in fright, and in panic, he took his clothes and ran towards the bathroom.

   Soon, the door opened.

   "Mr. Li, I'll take you for an examination." Cold blood rushed in and saw Li Zhenting holding his head in his hands and screaming for a headache, but he was close to a coma, and paled in shock, he immediately picked him up and ran towards the doctor's office.

   Li Zhenting was rushed to the MRI and CT room for examination.

  Lengxue paced outside, his brow furrowed.

  (end of this chapter)

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