Chapter 904 I will send you an invitation when the time comes

   "Yo, sister is here." She smiled all over her face, and greeted Shen Ning enthusiastically and proactively. Those who didn't know the inside story thought Shen Ning was her own sister.

  Shen Ning didn't even look at her.

"Sister, this is the divorce agreement. Zhenting printed it out last night. You can read it and sign it if you have no objection." Xiaofeng took out a divorce agreement from the folder next to Li Zhenting and put it in the In front of Shen Ning, hypocritically:

   "Zhenting said that you gave birth to three children for him. Although there is no love between you, you also have credit. Therefore, he will give you 30 million cash compensation."

  Shen Ning glanced coldly at the big words "divorce agreement", and looked at Li Zhenting again.

  He still sat expressionless, not even looking at her.

  This man is really heartless.

  Shen Ning sneered.

"Sister, there are 30 million in this card, you can use it. If you have difficulties in the future, just say it. For the sake of the children, Zhenting will definitely give you the money. Everyone knows that he is a rich man." A person who grabs a daughter will not be reluctant to give up money." Xiaofeng then said graciously, stroking Li Zhenting's head with his fingers, and asked softly and coquettishly: "Zhenting, am I right?"

   "Mm, yes." Li Zhenting said "Mmm", expressing his agreement.

  Shen Ning only felt that his heart was cut into pieces.

thirty million? The market value of Li's Group is trillions. As a wife who has given birth to three children for her, he actually only gave her 30 million to send her away, and he kept saying that he gave her some money.

  How can they say such things? When did Li Zhenting become such a disgusting person?

  When she was angry, she wanted to get angry, but then she thought about it, he was ruthless to herself, and he never loved her, so how could he care about her feelings.

   And she definitely did not marry him because of his money.

   "Sister, take it." At this moment, Shen Ning put the card in her pocket.

  Shen Ning immediately took out his hands from his pocket and broke them into two pieces.

"Li Zhenting, you are cruel enough. I don't know how much painstaking effort it took to raise Ke Ke and Xiao Xiao until they were six years old. You took it away by coincidence and humiliated me in this way. Tell you, I will never forget you Today's heartless." She gritted her teeth, looked at Li Zhenting, her eyes burst into anger, and slammed the card in two halves onto his face.

"Sister, don't blame Zhenting like this. In fact, he is all for me. If you want to scold me, you can scold me." Xiaofeng hurriedly ran over to cover Li Zhenting's face, snuggled into his arms, and put his arms around him He raised his face and looked at him with a charming smile, "Zhen Ting, am I right?"

   Li Zhenting immediately became dizzy, blinked and looked at the woman in his arms, isn't this Shen Ning.

  He was happy, and immediately said:

   "Yes, you are right, I love you."

Xiaofeng looked at Shen Ning with a smile like a flower: "Sister, did you hear that, Zhenting and I really love each other, you sign the letter and leave, Zhenting is about to be discharged from the hospital, oh, yes, we will immediately I'm going to get a marriage certificate, and I'm going to get married next week, and I'll send you an invitation letter then."

   "You..." Shen Ning felt a fishy-sweet taste in his throat, and his eyes turned black.

  By Zhu Qixiong's fists, water was already coming out of his fists.

   Li Zhenting is a scumbag, Shen Ning is pregnant with his child, but he got together with another woman, and even forced Shen Ning to divorce like this, even if he divorced, he also humiliated her.

   Is this what men do!

   "Ah, a scumbag." He couldn't bear it anymore, roared angrily, and raised his fist to hit the pair of scumbags.

   "Ah." Xiaofeng was so frightened that Huarong turned pale, and ran to hide aside.

   But Li Zhenting, who was a little silly, didn't escape, and received a heavy punch on the forehead.

   Li Zhenting fell to the ground with stars in front of his eyes.

"Zhenting." Shen Ning looked at Li Zhenting who was being beaten. He didn't know whether he was guilty or had other secrets. He didn't even hide. Instead, he was punched directly. Can't help trembling out.

   This is not the former black-bellied, tough and shrewd man, he looks like a completely different person.

  (end of this chapter)

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