Chapter 905 They finally divorced!

  At this time, Zhu Qixiong still didn't let go of his hatred, and wanted to kick him up again.

   "Young Master Zhu, forget it, don't fight anymore, let's go." Shen Ning went up and pulled Zhu Qixiong to leave.

"Shen Ning, sign the divorce agreement first before leaving." Xiaofeng rushed over to stop her, "Don't think that bringing a man over and beating Zhenting can escape the divorce. Zhenting has long since stopped loving you. If you are ambitious, sign the divorce and get out."

   "You are really despicable and shameless." Zhu Qixiong was extremely angry, and pointed his clenched fist at her, "If it weren't for the fact that you are a woman, I would have beaten you to paralysis."

"Ah, hit someone, hit someone." Unexpectedly, Xiaofeng suddenly sat down on the ground and cried loudly, "Shen Ning, it's fine if you don't want a divorce, and you brought a wild man to beat someone, what is that? Ah, if you don't sign it today, I'll make a fuss and ruin your name."

  Zhu Qixiong was so angry that he rushed to beat her regardless of his status as a man.

"Young Master Zhu, forget it, I'll sign it." Shen Ning doesn't want this scandal to continue, it's too boring, she just wanted to get a divorce, and she didn't want to get entangled with this woman Xiaofeng, now that she has come to this point One step, why bother to force it.

  She stepped aside, picked up the divorce agreement, didn't look at it, waved her hand, signed her name, and threw the agreement on the ground.

   "Ning Ning." Zhu Qixiong looked at her with pity.

  She smiled: "It's okay, let's go, I'm so tired, I want to go to your house to rest."

"Okay, I'll take you home." Zhu Qixiong supported her and led her out. Before leaving, he turned his head and raised his fists and roared at Li Zhenting Xiaofeng: "You two soulless guys, you better Be careful, if you dare to bully Shen Ning again in the future, I will definitely beat you to the ground, if it is not for Shen Ning's sake today, I will definitely beat you to disability."

  He supported Shen Ning and left.

  Xiaofeng waited for them to leave, immediately got up and ran over to pick up the divorce agreement, looked at Shen Ning's signature on it, and laughed happily.

   They are finally divorced!

   And she finally completed the first step of the plan.

   Next, she will target even faster.

  In a five-star hotel.

"Miss Li, according to reliable sources, the Li Group's chip is only one step away from success. This is absolutely impossible. We must hurry up and destroy their achievements. How is Xiaofeng doing now? " Renes asked, looking at the woman who was smoking on the sofa.

  Li Xueyan put the cigarette into her mouth with both fingers and took a puff, then raised her lips and smiled: "Reines, you read it from the headline newspaper, right? Isn't that the data you gave Xiaofeng?"

   "No, this is the information provided by my insider in the design department of the Li Group. It was developed by Fang Xianyun, the manager of the design department, and it is absolutely true and reliable." Reines looked serious.

   "Oh, that's it." Li Xueyan was also a little surprised. I didn't expect Li Zhenting to have a few brushes. He established the design department in such a short period of time and achieved such high achievements.

   "So, Xiaofeng must act quickly, otherwise, it will be too late." Reines was very anxious.

At this moment.

   Li Xuexi's cell phone rang.

  She glanced and smiled: "Say Cao Cao Cao Cao will be there."

   After finishing speaking, he winked at Reneth and picked up the phone.

   "Sister Li, I have successfully divorced Shen Ning and Li Zhenting." Xiaofeng's joyful voice came from the phone.

   Li Xueyan paused, and raised her eyebrows: "Not bad, you have wrists."

   "Sister Li, I must get a marriage certificate with Zhenting this week, you must help me."

  (end of this chapter)

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