Don’t call me Mrs. after Chapter 906

   Li Xueyan's face darkened, this Xiaofeng is really not simple, not only mean but also greedy.

  Although she doesn't like Shen Ning, she still recognizes Shen Ning's character. Shen Ning can offend her for the sake of the Li family. There is a reason why she can be recognized by the Li family's seniors.

  Deep in her heart, Li Xueyan is always the Li family, and she still hopes for the good of the Li family in her heart. What she hates is that the old man left all the family property of the Li family to Li Zhenting and feels dissatisfied and angry.

Now she really needs to install a partner in the Li family, Xiaofeng is a good candidate, but, this woman is too scheming and her methods are too despicable, she is worried that she will not be able to slave her, and if the cooperation fails, she will attract another rival.

"Xiaofeng, don't worry, I will do my best to help you. However, you can't delay the task that Reines entrusted to you. I heard that Li's Group is only one step away from producing chips. You Hurry up." She smiled.

   "Well, yes, I'm trying to figure out a way." Xiaofengkou replied mischievously, she has not yet achieved her goal, and she must use these two people.

   As for whether she can complete the tasks they assigned, she is not that concerned. As long as she and Li Zhenting get a marriage certificate and become Mrs. Li, then no one can do anything to her.

  She hypocritically discussed with them.

   In this way, the three people with ulterior motives began to discuss countermeasures in secret.


  In the ward here.

  Cold-blooded strode in.

  Just before dawn, Leng Xue, who was taking care of Li Zhenting, received a call from the chip design department of Li Group, saying that someone broke into the design room last night and turned the data and drawings inside into a mess.

  He was taken aback. At this time, Li Zhenting was still asleep, so he hurried over to deal with the matter immediately.

  The information in the design department was turned upside down, and the other party seemed to be looking for something, so he was very vigilant.

   But after some investigation, nothing was found. The surveillance cameras in the design department and the corridor were all broken. Obviously, they were deliberately sabotaged.

   This delayed him a lot of time, and Li Zhenting's brain had to be checked again this morning, so he didn't dare to delay, so he hurried back.

   But when he rushed over to take a look, the ward was also in chaos, as if he had been in a fight. Looking at Li Zhenting again, his forehead was all blue, as if he had been beaten, and he lay dizzy on the hospital bed without a quilt.

  He was very surprised, didn't Shen Ning come to take care of Li Zhenting today?

  He thought for a while, picked up his mobile phone and dialed Shen Ning's number.

   "Vice President Leng, hello." Shen Ning had just fallen asleep in the guest room of Zhu Qixiong's house when the phone rang.

   "Madam, Mr. Li is not doing well right now, didn't you come to take care of him today?" asked coldly and politely.

   "Take care?" Shen Ning sneered, "Leng Xue, isn't Xiao Feng taking care of him, what else do you need from me?"

   "No, ma'am, that woman Xiaofeng is not trustworthy."

"It's just that you don't think it's credible. Li Zhenting likes it, and they're going to get married soon, so how can it be unbelievable." Shen Ning said indifferently, "By the way, let me tell you, don't call me Mrs. Well, this morning I signed a divorce agreement with you President Li, you should let Xiaofeng take care of him."

What? divorce?

  Leng Xue's eyes widened.

  What's going on?

  This morning, did Li Zhenting and Shen Ning sign a divorce? What happened?

  When he was about to ask again, Shen Ning over there said: "Vice President Leng, I still have something to do here, so I won't chat with you. If you have anything to do, call Madam, I'll hang up first."

   After speaking, she hung up the phone without waiting for the cold-blooded answer.

  Leng Xue held the phone in a daze.

  (end of this chapter)

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