Chapter 918 You are pregnant with twins this time

   Aunt Dong came up after a while, and Shen Ning asked her to pour down the bowl of brown sugar **** soup.

  In the evening, instead of going to sleep with Xiaoxiao, she slept in the guest room.

  In the middle of the night, I only felt a dull pain in my stomach, and there seemed to be a hot stream coming out of my lower body.

  She woke up with a start, her eyelids twitched, and she leaned on the wall to go to the bathroom.

   Sure enough, I saw red!

  Although there are not many, but there is blood.

  She was terrified. After Luohai gave birth to three children last time, the doctor said that the chance of her getting pregnant again is very low. Now she is pregnant again, and the uterus has been injured. She is very worried that something will happen.

   After finally making it to dawn, she frightened Ji Qingshan on the phone and told him the situation.

  Ji Qingshan drove over immediately after hearing this.

  When Shen Ning came downstairs, she told Li Wanqing that she wanted to go back to Gu Qi. Li Wanqing had nothing to say, and immediately agreed. After all, Shen Ning and his son are divorced now, and she is feeling guilty and restless, let alone what she does.

  In the hospital.

  Ji Qingshan helped Shen Ning to the gynecology department.

  When Director Lin of the Gynecology Department heard about Shen Ning's situation, he immediately gave her a gynecological examination.

  After a lot of work, the gynecologist looked serious.

   "Doctor, how is it? How is my child?" Shen Ning asked nervously.

   "Young man, you are already three months pregnant. This is the time to pay the most attention to safety, but be careful, it's very dangerous." She said solemnly.

   Shen Ning lowered his head and said in a low voice: "I know, I will be careful in the future."

   "Director Lin, is the baby in her belly okay?" Ji Qingshan hurriedly asked.

"Professor Ji, the baby in my belly should be fine, but it's dangerous if it turns red, how about this, go for a B-ultrasound right away." Director Lin said to Ji Qingshan in a friendly and respectful manner, "Besides, she is in a weak physical condition now. In the situation, I suggest staying in the hospital for a few days immediately to recuperate her body first, and I will also prescribe some anti-fetal medicine for her."

  Ji Qingshan replied without thinking: "Yes, you can issue a hospital bill."

   "Qingshan, I..." Shen Ning didn't want to be hospitalized. If she was hospitalized in the gynecology department, her whereabouts would be easily discovered by others, and this secret would be lost. The consequences would be dire, and she was very worried.

  Ji Qingshan understood her thoughts and said, "Don't worry, Director Lin is my friend, and she will help you."

  Shen Ning's body is too weak, and the blood test just now revealed that she is malnourished, which is very unfavorable for pregnant women.

  He must force her to be hospitalized to recuperate. As for the rest, he understands her thoughts.

   Seeing what he said, Shen Ning also knew that she was not in good health now, so she didn't insist on it anymore. Besides, the child in her stomach was still there, which already made her very happy.

   After a while, Ji Qingshan pushed Shen Ning in a wheelchair and returned to the ward after having a B-ultrasound.

"Ning Ning, I'm going to print out the B-ultrasound sheet. This time, you need to create a perinatal file and do a pregnancy test. Don't worry, you can go to the hospital and don't think about anything else. I will do everything." Ji Qingshan cleaned up the ward After downloading, I told her to go out and print the B-ultrasound sheet.

  Shen Ning changed into the hospital gown and sat on the bed blankly. The nurse came over to give her a miscarriage injection and infusion.

   Not long after, Ji Qingshan came back with a strange expression on his face.

   "Qingshan, is the B-ultrasound result okay?" Shen Ning looked at him and asked with a smile.

  Ji Qingshan looked at her, his lips moved, but he didn't speak.

   "What's the matter?" Director Lin just checked her up. She believed that the child was fine, but she was still a little terrified.

   "Ning Ning, you really know how to give birth." Ji Qingshan suddenly said inexplicably.

   "What do you mean?" Shen Ning was puzzled.

   "Do you know? You are pregnant with twins this time." Holding the checklist, he smiled.

  (end of this chapter)

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