Chapter 919 Li Zhenting is gone

   "Twins? Really?" Shen Ning's eyes widened.

   "Take a look for yourself if you don't believe me." Ji Qingshan saw her appearance, smiled, and handed her the B-ultrasound sheet in his hand.

   Shen Ning took it and looked at it, his fingers trembling.

  Oh my God, she is pregnant with twins again!

   Just brought up two children to five years old, and now they have twins, winning the lottery is not so miraculous!

   "Congratulations, Ningning." Ji Qingshan congratulated her.

  Shen Ning was mixed with sadness and joy, and smiled helplessly: "Thank you, but I don't even figure it out myself now, so how can I have the energy to bring up two more children?"

   This is definitely a heavy burden for her. There is no joy in being surprised!

   Ji Qingshan pondered and did not speak.

  Here said that after Xiaofeng ran out all the way, he didn't call a taxi until he ran a long way and came straight to the hospital.

   But when she came to the hospital ward and saw that Li Zhenting had disappeared, she was very strange at the moment, where could she go at this point?

   Maybe I went for a walk downstairs!

  She went to the bathroom to change into clean clothes and came out, then sat on a chair and waited for Li Zhenting to come back. However, she waited for two hours without even seeing his shadow.

  She became uneasy and ran to ask the nurse.

  The nurse checked and said that Mr. Li was always taken by a man for a physical examination.

  Hearing the physical examination, her eyelids jumped up inexplicably.

  It’s so late, the doctors are off work, what else can we check?

   If it was a physical examination, how did the examination go? Did you find anything?

  She went back to the ward anxiously and waited for another hour. Li Zhenting still didn't come back. She went to ask the nurse again. The nurse said that Li Zhenting was a special patient, and they didn't know where he had gone.

  Xiaofeng was completely at a loss, but at this time it was already dark, and she had nowhere to go, so she could only stay in the ward and continue to wait, but the uneasiness in her heart was getting bigger and bigger.

  In the mansion in Los Angeles, USA.

  Lin Shouyu looked at the photos on his phone, thinking.

   Like, really like!

  When I first saw Shen Ning at the dinner, I thought of her!

  Although she was still young at that time, probably only in her teens, the girl left a deep impression on him.

But at that time, he was really too busy, because of the urgency, he left the imperial capital in a hurry, and left without even saying hello, and the bright and bright eyes of that girl were forever engraved in his memory deeply. .

  He sat in a daze, lost in thought.

  In the ward.

  Shen Ning was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed, when suddenly, there was a slight sound of footsteps.

  She opened her eyes, and saw the eccentric Li Jiaojiao sneaking in, she couldn't help being stunned.

  How did she know she was here?

   "Ah, cousin, it's you? Why did you enter the hospital? What's the matter? Is there something wrong?" Unexpectedly, Li Jiaojiao walked in and looked at the hospital bed. It was Shen Ning, who was surprised and asked with concern.

  It turns out that Li Jiaojiao has identified Ji Qingshan since seeing him, and started her love-chasing mode, vowing to chase this handsome man.

  For several days, she appeared in the hospital and finally found out Ji Qingshan's whereabouts.

   Today she came here early in the morning, and she was surprised when she heard from the nurse that Ji Qingshan had gone to the gynecology department. What does a big man do in the gynecology department? Did he have a girlfriend or did he get a woman pregnant or get a woman into a gynecological disease?

As soon as her curiosity arose, she had to figure it out. Besides, she was not reconciled, but wanted to see what kind of woman could get Ji Qingshan's favor. After all, these days, when he saw her, he was always indifferent. added.

   Therefore, she guarded at the stairs until Ji Qingshan came out of a ward, and then walked over quietly, but she didn't expect that this woman turned out to be Shen Ning.

  (end of this chapter)

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