Chapter 938 What are you?

  Xiaofeng's fingers tightly twisted the hem of the clothes, and her palms were covered with sweat.

  When Shen Ning said that he didn't drink, his nervous heart relaxed again.

   "It's okay, I'm here to get the insulated lunch box, what else do you want to drink today, I'll bring it to you after cooking." Xiaofeng walked over to pick up the insulated box and asked politely.

   "Xiaofeng, no need, thank you, I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon, I have to go back to Li's Castle to spend the New Year with the children." Shen Ning shook his head and refused.

   "Okay then." Hearing that she would go back to Li's Castle, Xiaofeng felt less flustered and agreed.

   "Then I'll go first." She turned around and was about to leave with the insulation box in hand.

  Shen Ning saw that she looked a little lost, and said, "Xiaofeng, can you pour me a glass of water?"

   "Okay." Xiaofeng was taken aback, and immediately went to get her cup, went to the water dispenser to get her a glass of water, handed it to her hand, and said, "Madam, please drink some water."

"Okay, thank you." Shen Ning took a few sips from the water glass, smiled gently at her, took out a bank card from his pocket and said, "There is a little money here, you can give it to me first." Your mother should pay the operation fee, and tell me if you have any difficulties."

   "..." Xiaofeng didn't answer, and stood with red eyes.

   "Accept it, I know it's not easy for you, you are also women, so help if you can." Shen Ning comforted her.

   "Madam, you are really a good person." Xiaofeng burst into tears.

  The more Shen Ning treats her like this, the more sad she feels and blames herself for being unable to do anything.

   "It's okay, my financial ability is stronger than yours, and saving your mother is the most important thing." Shen Ning smiled, and must have made her accept the bank card.

  Xiaofeng left with tears in her eyes.

  Li Group.

   "Zhenting, let's eat quickly. This is your favorite Norwegian salmon. Eating it is good for the brain and won't hurt your head." In the president's office, Xiaofeng was holding the rice bowl, extremely gentle.

   Li Zhenting sat on the sofa and said lightly, "I'll do it myself."

  He took over the job from Xiaofeng and started to eat by himself.

   "Zhen Ting, where's your ID card and opening book?" Xiaofeng sat down beside her and asked softly.

   "Why do you need a household registration book and ID card?" Li Zhenting asked after taking a bite of fish.

"Zhen Ting, have you forgotten? You promised me a few days ago that we will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate." Xiaofeng looked at him affectionately, "We love each other so much that we should stay together forever ,right?"

   "Oh, that's it." Li Zhenting looked blank, as if he didn't remember this at all.

"It's true, you also gave me the household registration booklet and ID card. We were going to register at the Civil Affairs Bureau the next day, but you disappeared the next day. I don't think about food and drink these days, and I think about you every day. , It’s really bitter.” Xiaofeng shed tears of grievance and longing as he spoke.

  She put her face on the man's arm and hugged him with both hands, looking extremely tender.

   Li Zhenting's body was stiff, and the veins on the back of his hand holding the chopsticks were bulging.

"Hey, what are you doing?" At this moment, a girl's figure rushed in, pointed at Xiaofeng and shouted angrily, "Why are you so close to my cousin? What are you, my cousin Brother has a wife and children."

  As soon as Li Jiaojiao came in, she saw that Xiaofeng was seducing Li Zhenting, she became angry, ran over and grabbed Xiaofeng's arm and shook him, causing Xiaofeng to fall to the ground.

   "Zhenting." Xiaofeng fell to the ground and looked up at him tearfully.

  There is no expression on Li Zhenting's face, and the black pupils under the sunglasses are as deep as the sea, unfathomable.

"Cousin, are you stupid? You don't love such a good woman as your cousin, but you hang out with such a fairy-like woman. How did you become like this?" Li Jiaojiao was heartbroken, "I remind you now , hurry up and get my cousin back, she will be snatched away by someone else, and it will be too late for you to regret it, and cry to death by then."

  (end of this chapter)

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