Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 939: Hiding by the door and listening to the corner

  Chapter 939 Hiding by the door and listening to the corner

   Li Zhenting's back was stiff, sitting like a log, the corners of his lips and jawline were tense.

   "Zhenting, Jiaojiao is still young and doesn't understand love, so don't listen to her nonsense." Xiaofeng fell to the ground and cried aggrievedly.

   "Ah bah, you don't understand love. You use the guise of love to do things that hurt nature and reason. It's immoral. I tell you, you won't get rewarded." Li Jiaojiao spat contemptuously.

   "Zhen Ting." Xiao Feng wept weakly and wept as if he had been wronged.

   "Xiaofeng, you go out first." Li Zhenting slightly lifted his thin lips.

   "I..." Xiaofeng stopped crying, and looked at Li Zhenting in a daze, not understanding what he meant.

   "Get out." Li Zhenting's voice was low, with irresistible power.

   "Okay, okay." Xiaofeng felt a little inexplicably afraid for a while, and walked out after saying that.

   "Cousin, what is going on with you now? How could you hurt your cousin so much?" Li Jiaojiao asked dissatisfiedly as soon as Xiaofeng left.

   Li Zhenting was silent, his fingers on the side gripped the bed sheet tightly.

   "Cousin, you are like a stupid king, greedy for beauty, fatuous and incompetent, you don't look like a corporate president." Li Jiaojiao walked back and forth in the room with her hands behind her back, scolding him a lot.

  After a long time, Li Zhenting asked, "What's the matter with you?"

  Li Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment, no, I almost forgot the business.

"Cousin, yes, there's something wrong." She covered her mouth with her hands, and with a smile on her face, she scolded him just now. This guy won't hold grudges and refuse to help, so she hastily stated her intentions, Of course, she didn't tell Li Zhenting that she was chasing Ji Qingshan, she only said that she was looking for someone.

   Li Zhenting did not speak.

   "Cousin, my sister-in-law asked me to come to you. You won't help me." Li Jiaojiao completely forgot the promise she made in front of Shen Ning. In order to achieve her goal, she had no choice but to use any means.

   I don't know if it was Shen Ning's fault, but Li Zhenting took out Zhang Ming's card from his pocket and handed it to her.

  Li Jiaojiao took a look and couldn't help but be overjoyed. This is equivalent to his own franchise pass, and all subsidiaries of the Li Group can enter and leave freely.

   "Thank you, cousin." She immediately put it in her bag, blew a kiss to him, and said, "Don't worry, I will help you guard your cousin, but you have to work hard yourself."

  She turned and left impatiently.

   "Ouch." But when she opened the door, with a cry of pain, a figure followed the door and fell in.

  She was taken aback, but upon closer inspection it turned out to be Xiaofeng.

   It turns out that this woman didn't leave at all, but hid by the door and listened to the corner, it's disgusting.

  Originally, she could have given her a hand, but she just raised her hand and pushed her inadvertently.

   This time, Xiaofeng immediately fell to the ground and screamed.

   "It deserves it." Li Jiaojiao clapped her hands and walked away swaggeringly.

   Li's Castle.

   "Grandma, I want five Baobiao." Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao walked up to Li Wanqing, and Ke Ke and Ding Ding spoke coolly.

   "Oh." Li Wanqing looked at the three little ones and asked in surprise, "Why do you want Baobiao all of a sudden?"

   "Because we want to protect Mommy." The three little ones said in unison.

"why would you say so?"

  Thus, San Xiaozhi talked about how Xiaofeng hurt little things after he was discovered by Xiaofeng in Li's Castle that day, especially focusing on the scene of Shen Ning protecting Xiaoxiao from wrestling.

  Li Wanqing's face turned black with anger.

  She forgot that the children are already on winter vacation, and the three of them cannot be allowed to go out alone. Moreover, Coco was hijacked by criminals before.

   "Okay, grandma will arrange it for you right away." She agreed immediately, pinching their little cheeks: "Very good, with a sense of safety."

   "Thank you grandma." The three little ones bowed in unison, expressing their thanks in a milky voice.

  Li Wanqing hugged the three cubs and loved them very much. It was true that she was negligent about arranging Baobiao, which should be arranged as soon as the winter vacation is over.

  (end of this chapter)

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