Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 954: Mrs. Li, this position is really valuable.

  Chapter 954 The position of Mrs. Li is really valuable

  "Mrs. Li, please accept it for my little meaning." As soon as Xiaofeng came in, many senior executives lined up to give her a big red envelope.

  Xiaofeng smiled like a flower: "I'm so sorry, it's just a marriage certificate, and I haven't had a drink yet. I really don't need red envelopes, thank you, thank you."

  She said that she didn't need it, but she took the red envelopes one by one and squeezed them tightly.

   Not long after, she had red envelopes on both hands.

  At this time, the waiter brought a red tray, and she put all the red envelopes in her hand into the tray. In an instant, the trays were piled up high.

   "Did you hear that, when they serve wine, they will still have to receive red envelopes. Double gifts, this Xinli wife is quite good." Some staff muttered dissatisfiedly after returning to the banquet seats.

  President Li is getting married. If there are too few gifts, they can't do it. If there are too many, it really hurts!

   "Yes, the old Mrs. Li is still easy-going, unassuming, and kind. She never does these things. She usually smiles politely when she sees us, humble and gentle. It's a pity that men don't like this kind of thing."


  Here, Xiaofeng is holding a full red envelope, and his heart is full of joy.

  The position of Mrs. Li is really valuable, and she only got a marriage certificate, and already so many people flock to her, flattering her.

   It would be even more beautiful after getting married and having children.

  Thinking about that woman Shen Ning, she is really stupid. She used to be a legitimate Mrs. Li, but she never knew how to use her status to gain fame and wealth.

  The next thing that surprised her even more was that some subordinate contractors and some heads of small companies attached to the Li Group respected her even more, and gave her money and goods, as respectful as a queen.

  Xiaofeng has already started to feel dizzy, and can't tell the difference between south, east and north.

   But she wasn't completely dizzy yet.

  Although she is surrounded by everyone, she understands that Li Zhenting is her real god. All the light on her body is given by him. If he is not around, these lights will disappear in an instant.

Therefore, her beautiful eyes were looking for Li Zhenting's figure everywhere. When she walked through the corridor with a tray, when she turned around, she saw a handsome man standing behind her, full of wealth and majesty. It made her breathless.

   "Zhenting." She shouted in surprise.

   Li Zhenting's eyes fell on the red envelope on her tray, flashing a sharp light.

   "Zhen Ting, they were too enthusiastic and insisted on forcing it to me." Xiaofeng was very smart, and immediately caught the displeasure in his eyes, and explained obediently.

   "Hmm." Li Zhenting said "hmm" and walked forward.

   Xiaofeng followed closely behind, never leaving.

   "President Li, congratulations." As soon as Li Zhenting appeared, all the executives in the box became agitated, congratulating him loudly and respectfully.

   Li Zhenting nodded slightly.

   "Leng Xue, let the financial statistics show who gave the red envelope just now, and how much it was given, and it will be reissued when the salary is paid this month." In the corner, Li Zhenting ordered Leng Xue beside him.


  Outside the box here.

  Li Jiaojiao came in quietly with her bag on her back.

   "Ji Qingshan, you dead beast, how dare you date a woman without telling me." She was full of anger, and walked directly into a private room.


  She stopped at the door of the quiet box and looked inside through the glass.

  In the box, Ji Qingshan, dressed in a blue suit and wearing glasses, was sitting there with elegant manners, chatting and laughing happily.

And beside him, a delicate and capable woman with long curly hair and a dress is sipping thick white soup. Under the warm-colored ceiling lamp, the taro purple manicure is romantic, elegant and fairy-like, beautiful. draw the circle.

  (end of this chapter)

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