Chapter 955 This woman is cheap

   Li Jiaojiao's jealousy rose from the bottom of her heart.

  Hmph, what a gentle scum called a beast!

  Superficially polite, he is actually a big pervert!

  Her chest was bulging with anger, she grew so big, but she never missed anything she wanted, let alone love.

  Ji Qingshan made her encounter a big problem, this man didn't take her seriously at all.

  No matter how she took the initiative to approach him, he always ignored her, how could she swallow this tone.

  After walking around the door for a few times, she suddenly frowned and thought about it.

   Got it!

  She snapped her fingers and walked towards the manager's office.

  Xingyun Hotel is owned by the Li Group, so it's hard to get her!

  In the box.

   "Dean Chen, come, let's have a cup of tea first." Ji Qingshan picked up the teapot with his slender fingers and stood up to pour tea for Chen Jue, very gentlemanly.

   "Thank you." Chen Xunxuan tapped the table with his nail-painted fingers, elegant and polite.

   "I am lucky to be able to pour tea for Dean Chen." Ji Qingshan smiled slightly with a soft tone.

   It's just that, after pouring it around, I found that there was no water in the teapot.

   "Waiter." He stepped out and shouted outside.

   "Here we come." Outside the door, a tall young waitress greeted her. The waitress wore a mask and lowered her head, "Sir, what do you need?"

  Ji Qingshan said: "There is no more boiling water, let's continue the water."

   After he finished speaking, he turned and walked in.

   "Okay." The waitress agreed and followed behind with her head bowed.

  Ji Qingshan sniffed.

   There was a faint fragrance from the waitress behind.

  He frowned, are all the waitresses so fashionable now!

   You must know that this is Dreamland Magnolia fragrance perfume, which is the latest popular one in the United States.

   After sitting down in his seat, he inadvertently raised his eyes to look at the back of the waitress.

  The waitress is pouring water at the service desk.

  He didn't care either.

"Professor Ji, the Bethune-style selection of good doctors has already begun. This is the highest honor award for a doctor, and it must go to you." Chen Yuxie smiled and complimented, took a small piece of foie gras and put it in his mouth. Chewing finely, the praise is beyond words.

   "Hey, I don't care about these." Ji Qingshan smiled indifferently, calmly.

"Indeed, with Professor Ji's real talents and practical learning, no matter how great the honor I give you, I won't be worthy of you." After hearing the words, Chen Yuxuan immediately sought after him, but he didn't expect that before the words fell, a hot sting suddenly came from him. It came from her arm, and she screamed in pain and jumped up.

   "What's the matter?" Ji Qingshan was taken aback, and hurriedly stood up and asked.

   "What's the matter with you? Why did the boiling water burn my arm? How did this waiter work?" Chen Xie looked back and asked the waitress standing aside.

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was careless." Li Jiaojiao apologized repeatedly.

   It turned out that the waitress was Li Jiaojiao.

  She originally wanted to come in and listen to what they were talking about, but who knew that as soon as she came in, she heard Chen Xie praising Ji Qingshan without limit, and she felt jealous, sour and disdainful.

  Hmph, when a woman is with a man, shouldn't it be the man who praises the woman!

  But this woman tried her best to curry favor with men, this woman is cheap, she loses her worth, shameful!

  She doesn't look down on Chen Yuxiu at all, and she is also the dean, I don't know how she got there!

   While thinking this way, he just turned around from the service desk to fill up a pot of water, his palms trembled, and somehow the pot tilted down, and the boiling water came out freely and scalded Chen Xie's arm.

  Of course, she didn't really want to burn her.

  Since she was a child, she was pampered and pampered without reaching out for four taels. It is true that she has never done the work of taking care of others, and she never thought that the pot of boiling water would be so hot and heavy, and she couldn't control it well.

   Then, Chen Xunxiu's arm suffered a disaster.

  (end of this chapter)

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