"Okay." Ji Qingshan agreed, put his arms around Li Jiaojiao's waist and walked outside.

But at this time Li Jiaojiao was already drunk and unconscious, when Ji Qingshan put his arms around her waist, she turned around as if she smelled something, and threw herself into his arms, wrapping her arms around his arms. neck, and pressed his face against Ji Qingshan's chest.

  Chen Yuxiu on the side immediately turned dark.

   Shen Ning couldn't laugh or cry.

  This little woman misses Ji Qingshan so much, she entangles her whenever she gets the chance.

  Ji Qingshan was hugged by a woman, he felt a little flustered, and wanted to take her hand off, but she clung tightly to his neck and wouldn't let go.

  Finally, in desperation, he had no choice but to grab her with both hands, give her a princess hug, hold Li Jiaojiao in his arms and walk towards the parking lot.

  Shen Ning quickly followed and helped press the elevator.

  Chen Xie's eyes were gloomy.

"Chen Yuxie, see if I don't drink you to death, you scheming girl." In the elevator, Li Jiaojiao yelled from time to time, hiccupping, rubbing her face back and forth on Ji Qingshan's chest, and finally slapped his chest His clothes were in a mess, and Ji Qingshan, who always liked to be clean and tidy, had a dark face, so he had to grit his teeth and hold back!

   They finally got out of the elevator and came to the underground parking lot.

  Shen Ning opened the car door.

Just when Ji Qingshan was about to put Li Jiaojiao in, Li Jiaojiao became drunk and hugged Ji Qingshan's neck, yelling: "Don't send it, I don't want to go back, I still want to drink, I'm going Play in Paris, I want to play in mud."

   After talking, rub your feet and kick them!

"What a drunk lunatic." Ji Qingshan was angry and annoyed, and as soon as he let go, he wanted to throw her on the ground, but Li Jiaojiao seemed to have expected him to do this, her hands tightly wrapped around his neck, her feet She even took the opportunity to wrap around his waist, vomited in her mouth, and wet a large piece of his chest.

"You..." Ji Qingshan gritted his teeth with hatred as he smelled the gas in his stomach, but his body was entangled by her, and he focused on forcing her into the carriage, and kept sending her into the carriage, but Li Jiaojiao had already become a woman. A piece of brown candy, no matter how hard he shook it, he couldn't get rid of it, but she entangled her even more tightly. When he put her on the seat for the last time, she slipped and fell on the ground with her hands tightly around her neck. On her body, the two fell together, Li Jiaojiao's feet and hands wrapped around him immediately, Ji Qingshan was even harder to get rid of, and could only stick to her body.

   Shen Ning was in a hurry, afraid of hurting Li Jiaojiao, he put his head in from the front seat and asked loudly, "Jiaojiao, how are you?"

  At that time, Ji Qingshan's face had been squeezed onto her shoulder by Li Jiaojiao, only Li Jiaojiao's face was exposed.

  Shen Ning anxiously looked at the drunken Li Jiaojiao's face, asked a question, but there was no response, and was about to ask again, but unexpectedly, at this moment, Li Jiaojiao suddenly opened his eyes and gave her a playful smile.

  She froze for a moment.

  Li Jiaojiao winked and winked at her.

  Shen Ning quickly and completely understood that Li Jiaojiao was not really drunk, she was pretending to be drunk, with only one purpose and that was to win Ji Qingshan away from Chen Xunxue.

   She really is a weird girl!

   It turns out that she is not without a little scheming! She knew that she couldn't beat Chen Juexiu, so she simply pretended to be weak and drunk.

   Sure enough, Ji Qingshan got on her pirate ship successfully.

   It seems that she doesn't have to worry so much about Li Jiaojiao losing miserably, after all, she is also a smart girl.

   That's the case, so what is she going to do in this situation?

"Qingshan, my child called me, please take charge of sending Jiaojiao home, I have to go first, thank you." After confessing to Ji Qingshan, Shen Ning left, the car was Li Jiaojiao Yes, Ji Qingshan happened to send her home.

In the restaurant here, Chen Juexi waited for Ji Qingshan not to come back for a long time, his face was livid with anger, and finally called Ji Qingshan, but was picked up by Li Jiaojiao. He hung up and went home in a huff.

   This round, Li Jiaojiao turned the tables and turned the tables!

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