Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 987: shouldn't let him drink so much

   "Zhenting, are you ready to drink? After drinking, we will go back to the presidential suite." In the box on the second floor, Xiaofeng looked at Li Zhenting affectionately, stroking the back of Li Zhenting's head with gentle fingers.

Tonight, she not only put an aphrodisiac in the red wine, drugged her, but also made Renes increase the control of the chip implanted in his brain. Mrs. Li.

  The next morning, she will take Li Zhenting to the pier by the sea to collect the billion dollars.

   It's just too beautiful!

   She is finally going to live the life she dreams of!

   "Xiao, Xiao, Feng, I, I'll drink, it's done." Li Zhenting hiccupped and looked at her drunkenly, "Xiao, Xiaofeng, you, you are so beautiful."

  A blush flew up her cheeks, and she was shy and shy.

"Zhen Ting, then let's go upstairs quickly. I've already put away the bath water. Let's go to the mandarin duck bath and enjoy it. This night we will be drunk and dreamy, and spend an unforgettable night." Xiaofeng fell softly into the room. In his arms, she was full of tenderness.

   "Well, good." Li Zhenting exhaled alcohol, and asked stupidly, "Little, Feng, didn't you say that you want to take me to meet your relatives? When are you going?"

  Just after eating, Xiaofeng told him that he was going to take him to see Reines tomorrow morning. In order to be afraid of Li Zhenting, she didn't want to go, so she lied that she was going to see her relatives.

   Unexpectedly, Li Zhenting actually paid attention to it, and even took the initiative to ask.

  She only thought that Li Zhenting valued her, and she was very happy.

"Don't worry, I'll take you to see them tomorrow morning after we wake up tonight. They all want to see you. Let me tell you, my natal relatives are not ordinary people. They are rich and powerful." She He spoke triumphantly.

   Li Zhenting's eyes were blurred, and he said, "Really, then I really want to see them."

   "Well, don't worry, I'll see you." Xiaofeng stroked the back of his head with incomparable tenderness, "Zhenting, let's go upstairs."

  She drank a lot of red wine, her whole body was unbearably irritable, and she just wanted to become one with him.

   "Okay, okay." Li Zhenting stood up, walked forward, staggered, and fell forward.

   "Zhenting." Xiaofeng was in a hurry and went to pull him.

   But he is tall and burly, she can't pull it up no matter what.

   It seems that the drug is too strong, but in fact it is just drinking two or three taels of red wine.

  She regretted it a little, she shouldn't let him drink so much.

   "Wine, I still want to drink." At this moment, Li Zhenting got up by himself, staggered and picked up the wine bottle on the table and drank it with his head raised.

   "Zhen Ting, don't drink anymore." Xiaofeng panicked when he saw it, and rushed to grab his wine bottle, just drink moderately to add to the fun, if you get drunk, you can't do anything tonight, she doesn't want to.

  But Li Zhenting is tall and burly, how can she, a woman, beat him.

   After a while, Li Zhenting drank a lot and fell asleep on the wine table.

  Xiaofeng was dumbfounded. He couldn't pull him, and he couldn't answer when he called him. In the end, he had to ask the lobby manager to help deliver Li Zhenting to the presidential suite.

  But it said that Shen Ning took the elevator from the underground garage to the lobby and went directly to the street to hail a taxi.

  The taxi took her towards Li's Castle.

   After a while, the car came to the tree-lined avenue outside Li's Castle, and from here, you will reach the main gate of Li's Castle.

   Shen Ning was about to pay and get out of the car.


  A black off-road vehicle rushed over from behind and hit the taxi she was sitting in.

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