"Well, what about after that?" Li Xueyan continued to ask calmly.

  If they can let Li Zhenting go back to the Li family with her and let her control him, and she becomes the president, that would be the most ideal. After all, Li Zhenting is also from the Li family, and she doesn't want him to be controlled by foreigners forever.

Reines drank the red wine in his hand and looked back at her: "Miss Li, you also know that Li Zhenting is a talent, and talents must be used. We can't always control him through drugs. He needs to do something. Don’t make due contributions. For talents, the country of the United States has always paid very generously. You are his aunt. It is best to persuade him to surrender to us, so that everyone will be happy, and your Li family will also be a great contributor to the country of the United States. In the future, the United States will definitely treat the Li family favorably."

   "Then what if he doesn't want to surrender?" Li Xueyan's eyelids twitched.

  For Li Zhenting to return to the United States, it would be tantamount to judging the country, which the Li family would never allow.

  The education that Li Zhenting received since he was a child is also not allowed.

   "If you don't want to surrender, you can only let him stay in the prison of the United States forever. We can't let him come back."

"But Li Zhenting is not an ordinary businessman. He is a well-known entrepreneur with social status and influence. Do you think that such an important person being imprisoned in the United States for no reason will cause international repercussions?" Li Xuexi still hoped They can let Li Zhenting survive, just destroy him, there is no need to put him to death, if that happens, her taking over the position of president of the Li Group will also cause public outrage, which is what she doesn't want to see.

  And the Li family will not watch Li Zhenting go to jail in the United States, and there will be a **** battle at that time, which is not good for her.

Ke Renes smiled lightly: "Isn't it normal for a person to be arrested for committing a crime? His reputation will only be ruined. Our powerful media has always been able to describe the dead as the living, black as white, Of course, Li Zhenting is no exception. As long as the U.S. government wants to detain him, there are many ways. Take the overseas investment projects of the Li Group as an example. After playing, do you still remember the man named Tang Jihua, who was the first to research chips, and has been in a prison in the United States for 20 years now."

  Hearing this, Li Xuexi's back was in a cold sweat, and then she realized that dealing with these people was no joke, and if she was not careful, she would end up with her family and her life, but at this point, she had no choice but to go on.

   "Listen, watch out for Li Xueyan, don't let her run away." Reines walked into the cabin and whispered to his confidant assistant.

  The assistant was puzzled: "Isn't Miss Li one of us?"

"For the time being, if Li Zhenting does not return and the Li family takes tough measures, then Li Xuexi will be the best hostage. We must catch her. Of course, if they are obedient, we will not treat them badly." Renes patted He patted the assistant on the shoulder.

  The assistant suddenly realized and nodded.

   "How long will it take to arrive at the base?" Renes asked looking at the vast sea.

   "It's just over an hour away."

   "In this way, first stop the cruise ship at a nearby port to rest, we will all sleep, and then move forward at night." Reines suddenly ordered.

   "Okay." The assistant agreed and walked towards the bow.

Li Zhenting was sitting in the cabin. After Renes walked for a while, he secretly connected his right arm with his left hand. The pain made him sweat profusely. Then, he waited for the opportunity, as soon as they drove into the base , he will send out a signal.

   But what he didn't expect was that after the boat had left for two hours, they didn't even leave, and they moored the boat into the dock.

  Everyone on board starts to sleep.

  This Renes is really treacherous!

  The more you say this, the closer you are to the center of gravity. They are waiting for the dark to act.

More haste less speed.

  So, he leaned against the cabin and fell into a deep sleep.

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