"Li Zhenting, I hate you." I don't know how long I slept, and suddenly, a woman's voice rang in Li Zhenting's ear, the voice was dull and soft, mellow and clear.

   "Ning Ning, Ning Ning." Li Zhenting recognized Shen Ning's voice, was overjoyed, opened his mouth slightly, and wanted to call out, but couldn't.

   "Li Zhenting, I'm leaving, you take our child well." At this time, the resentful female voice sounded again, and then a gust of wind floated in front of him, no, someone should have come to him.

  His heart was pounding, and he tried his best to open his eyes, and finally, he managed to open his eyes.

   Sure enough, there was a thin woman standing in front of him, her eyes were cold, but her face was full of tears.

   "Ning Ning." Li Zhenting felt a pain in his heart, guilt welled up in his heart, shouted, stretched out his fingers to touch her face.

  But even after touching her several times, she couldn't touch her.

   "Ningning, I'm sorry." He cried out in pain.

  At this time, the woman's face gradually became clear, and he could see clearly that she was the mother of his three children, his beloved woman, Shen Ning.

   "Ning Ning, you have suffered and wronged." His trembling fingers stroked her face, trying to wipe away the tears on her face,

  But every finger of his was trembling, and the tears on her face were getting more and more hot, and his heart was in extreme pain.


  The woman bit his finger as soon as she opened her mouth, biting hard.

  He was motionless and felt no pain, but his heart ached badly.

  The woman bit hard, as if venting her hatred.

"Li Zhenting, listen, I've already left, and I won't hinder you and Xiaofeng anymore, but our child, if you don't take good care of me, I won't let you go as a ghost, I don't owe you anything, From now on, we will never meet again." After a while, she let go of her mouth, and said something that made Li Zhenting's hair stand on end all his life.

   "Ning Ning, no, don't go, I was wrong..." His atrium seemed to grow a sharp knife, piercing his heart sharply, the pain made him pale, and he grabbed her arm in fear.

  This arm is so thin, like skin and bones, he didn't even dare to use force, for fear that it would be broken if he exerted a little force.

  The woman walked outside and her arm slipped from his.

   "Ningning, don't go, please don't go, I love you." He shouted hoarsely.

   But she walked directly towards the side of the boat.

   Li Zhenting's heart was congested and he couldn't breathe.

  He stretched out his arms to hug her.

   "Li Zhenting, take good care of our child, otherwise, I will make you suffer forever." After she finished speaking, her thin body jumped into the sea.

   "Ning Ning." Li Zhenting was heartbroken and wanted to rush to save her, but his whole body seemed to be frozen, unable to move at all, and could only watch her jump into the sea.

   "Ah." The extreme pain and fear made him suddenly open his eyes.

   What caught the eye was the afterglow of the setting sun and dusk.

  He stared blankly at the endless sea, his whole body was cold, and his hands and feet were shaking.

   It turned out that he just had a dream.

  This dream is too scary! It was the last thing he wanted to see.

   After a long time, he exhaled.

   Fortunately, it was just a dream, his Ningning should be fine, she is still taking their children in Li's Castle.

  He has entrusted his father to help him guard Ningning, he knows he owes her too much!

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