Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

144: Bold! I can see at a glance that Xiao ⇞ said you are not human (1 / 1)\r

Walking down the path to the end, the surrounding space shrinks rapidly.

Su Chen experienced tingling pain in his arm.

Rolling up his sleeves, he saw that the tattoos on his arms had begun to wear off.

It's like having an invisible eraser erasing your own tattoos.

Looking up again, he seemed to be in a cupboard.

There is a slight gap in the cabinet, and a shadow can be seen shaking outside.

Lean on the door and take a look.

The outside of the cabinet is a bit like a large flat in the community.

The area is not large, with two rooms and one living room.

In the kitchen stood an old lady, with her back to Su Chen, who was preparing food.

Seeing this old lady, the tattoo on Su Chen's arm hurt even more.

"It is estimated that it is the mother or wife of the owner of Ashes."

Su Chen was a little regretful, not knowing who Ashes really was.

He should have replaced his identity and entered the city of chaos.

The person he missed the most appeared in front of him.

The old lady in the kitchen didn't know herself, but the owner of Ashes should.

He pushed the door, but didn't open it.

Looking up again, the old lady was gone.

"Seven Sanqi" There are three dishes and one soup on the table, which is steaming and full of aroma.

The cabinet door can now be pushed open again.

"It's a good move."

"You can see it, but you can't touch it."

"That's why they stay in the dreamland, looking for their loved ones."

"The reason why they turned to ashes in the end, it is better to say that they chose it themselves."

Su Chen pushed open the cabinet door and walked out, sitting on the dining table, looking at the three dishes and one soup on it.

The tattoos on the arms are even hotter.

Led by missing, just like fishing, let the fish eat the bait willingly.

By the time a problem was discovered, it was too late.

"Give the living a chance to make up for their regrets, but I don't know that this is the real despair."

"It's the first time I've seen such a ghost that can play with people's hearts."

Su Chen was a little scared at this moment.

If you were dreaming with ashes at that time, what kind of close relatives would you see?

If you see those close relatives, will you try to find them?

This is very likely.

Because Su Chen was abandoned by his biological parents at birth, Su Chen who has never met his biological parents, if he did.

They will definitely ask them why they abandoned him ruthlessly back then.

But once Su Chen has this idea, it will be difficult to leave the city of chaos.

"Boil frogs in warm water, this place is too dangerous, we must find a way to destroy it."

Su Chen smashed the three dishes and one soup on the table, and found that the fresh food suddenly began to rot at an extremely fast speed, and soon turned into a stinking pool of unknown objects.

At this time, the old lady appeared again.

She remained silent, bent over, and cleaned the three dishes and one soup that Su Chen had smashed.

Her back was curved, her temples were already covered with white hair, and her face was covered with deep wrinkles.

"Bold, I can see at a glance that you are not human, dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of me, courting death."

Su Chen's eyes narrowed, and his murderous aura soared.

The third eye on the forehead suddenly opened.

A space crack suddenly appeared, directly tearing the old lady in front of her.

She let out a wailing, her kindly appearance turned hideous, her body kept collapsing, she let out a shrill wailing, and the monstrous resentment rushed to her face.

"Delusional destruction." Then a huge wave of air spread.

The shattered old lady instantly vanished into ashes.

The room that was clean and tidy just now was rapidly decaying. The walls, corners, and furniture were covered with unknown black liquid, exuding a strong stench.

And the tattoo on Su Chen's arm has also become stable.

After a few seconds, the room was back to normal.

The old lady came out of the room, bent over, slumped on her back, and carried some garbage in her hands.

Coughing violently, he passed Su Chen, pushed open the door and walked out.

When she passed by Su Chen, she didn't know if it was unintentional or intentional, Su Chen saw her coughing up blood in her hand.

"Can't you destroy the dream of Ash Master?"

"Or rather, Chaos City doesn't allow it."

"City of Chaos wants to provoke a sense of guilt in the dream master's heart."

After thinking for a moment, Su Chen put away the three-pointed two-blade gun, opened the door and walked out.

His location is a modern building, on the sixth floor.

Through the aisle window, Su Chen could clearly see the eerie environment.

Modern high-rise buildings, Japanese-style houses, European-style villas, old-fashioned western-style buildings, abandoned shopping malls and other buildings with different styles appeared in front of him.

It's like smashing several pieces of a puzzle and then forcibly putting them together.

Taking the elevator down to the first floor, the old lady just finished throwing out the garbage and disappeared by the wall of the villa.

She seemed to be waiting for Su Chen, as if she was going to take Su Chen somewhere.

Because no matter where Su Chen went, he could just capture the disappearing back of the old lady.

Look back at the tall building and mark it.

Before the tattoo is almost exhausted, he must go back the same way.

"Want to lead me somewhere?"

"It's the old lady herself, or is it a ghost hidden in Chaos City."

Su Chen thought for a moment, but decided to follow the old lady.

The owner of the tattoo has been reduced to ashes.

He wanted to see what happened before he turned to ashes.

Coming to the wall of the villa, the old lady just entered the Japanese-style house behind the villa.

She seemed to have been waiting for Su Chen.

Su Chen first looked at the villa.

From the window of the villa, I could see a man with tears on his face.

He is looking at the woman on the sofa.

And the woman didn't seem to be able to see him, so she watched TV on her own, and occasionally looked down at her phone, as if waiting for some news.

"Go to the villa first." Su Chen decided to send a message to Shi Jianlin.

As soon as the villa door was opened, Su Chen heard the man kneeling in front of the woman, crying and apologizing: "Wife, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

"It's my fault, it's all my fault."

"I shouldn't have been out drinking at the time, if I had been at home at the time, this would never have happened..."

"Wife, I'm sorry." The man was very sad.

His eyes, his everything, were focused on the woman watching TV.

He didn't respond to Su Chen's appearance.

"Don't apologize, that's a ghost, not your wife." Su Chen picked up the man immediately.

The man is like an angry lion, roaring at Su Chen: "Nonsense, she is my wife."

"I'm sorry for her, it's my fault."

Unusual black lines have appeared in the man's eyes.

"Then I'll let you see if she is your wife." Su Chen opened his third eye on his forehead.

Then a terrifying air wave swept out.

The woman turned into a ferocious ghost in the wailing, and even tried to attack Su Chen.

Brand new villas also began to decay, filled with strong stench and blood.

The black line in the man's eyes disappeared at this moment.

At the same time, the decaying villa is restored to its original state.

The woman sitting on the sofa disappeared, and she appeared in the master bedroom, holding a baby quietly.

"Now you can see clearly." Su Chen pinched the man's neck.

The unknown curse on him was cut off by Su Chen, and now he has regained his sanity.

Without Su Chen, he would have completely fallen into Chaos City and turned to ashes soon after he arrived.

However, the disappearance of the curse is only temporary.

As long as the living people enter the city of chaos, they will be cursed and turned to ashes sooner or later.

"Tell me, where were you before you went to bed?"

The man hurriedly told Su Chen where he was before going to bed.

He knew he was sleeping, and his memory was very clear.

He also knew that the woman was not his wife, but a ghost.

But his eyes still involuntarily looked at the woman holding the baby in the master bedroom, with deep sadness and regret in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter which hospital you are in, just mention my Su Chen's 0.1 name after you go out."

"Help me tell Shi Jianlin a word, I have found the source of the gray death disease, and I am now trying to find a way to deal with it."

"During this period, every patient who suffers from ashes must not be reduced to ashes, and must be stopped by any means."

"Also, the patients who were turned to ashes before have been thoroughly investigated, and he needs all their information."

"Do you understand?"

"Brother, I understand, I understand." The man nodded quickly.

He didn't even dare to meet Su Chen's murderous eyes.

"Okay, you can wake up."

Waving a three-pointed, two-edged spear, the man's head flew high.

He was like sand and dust that instantly turned to ashes in Su Chen's hands.

The brand-new villa became rotten again, and the woman holding the baby in the room showed a terrible appearance.

When Su Chen killed the female ghost holding the baby and left the villa.

Surprisingly found that the villa has become a courtyard.

"It seems that a new living person has entered the City of Chaos." Su Chen sighed, feeling powerless. .

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