Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

145: The Deepest of Chaos City (1/1)\r

Slowly come to the Japanese house.

Su Chen saw the old lady again.

The old lady disappeared into the deepest part of the Japanese-style house, leaving only a vague back of Su Chen.

There are many strange masks and wooden dolls in this Japanese-style house.

Turning his head, he could see a girl in a nightgown, looking sideways at an old man carving a doll.

Old people are people, girls are not people.

Through the first two times, Su Chen knew that even if he killed the ghost, nothing would change.

If you want to change, you must completely destroy the city of chaos.

Ignoring the girl and the old man, Su Chen entered the deepest part of the Japanese house.

The figure of the old lady appeared again, and she disappeared into the entrance of the basement.

Su Chen followed closely behind.

When he entered the basement, his face changed drastically.

"The Grey Death may be earlier than thought."

"Those who are reduced to ashes are more than those who are known."

The basement is huge, like a maze.

But these labyrinths are composed of buildings with different styles.

Some are inlaid on the walls, some are inlaid on the ground, and some buildings are integrated with other buildings.

It's like a scrambled Rubik's cube.

In the underground building complex, many figures can be seen walking around.

The underground building complex is much more than the surface complex 28.

Su Chen always thought that Chaos City was still in its infancy and had not yet reached the village level.

Now it seems that it has definitely reached the village level.

The building complex on the outside is just a disguise for it.

The old lady disappeared behind a store.

In addition to the old lady, Su Chen also saw several ghosts with different appearances.

They disguised themselves as living people.

Then, several figures rushed over quickly.

They were trying to chase those backs, and their eyes were already covered with black lines.

But when they hadn't run a few steps, their whole body suddenly froze.

Then it turned to ashes and disappeared.

The way they disappeared was exactly the same way the villa man woke up from his dream.

"It seems that Shi Lao has received my message."

"Those patients who can't wake up should be euthanized to let them die before they turn to ashes."

On the other side, a terrible disaster broke out at the hospital that accommodated the various gray death diseases.

Just like what Su Chen said, those patients with gray death who could not wake up were all treated humanely.

After they died in the city of chaos, they became ghosts on earth, evil ghosts without sanity.

The monstrous resentment and mourning turned the hospital into a purgatory on earth.

"Old Shi, what should I do?"

Shi Jianlin and other bigwigs surrounded the screen in front of him.

Three hospitals have already fallen, and they have completely become death hospitals.

Some of the deceased are also mutated.

"Arrange the mysterious troops and suppress them with spirit bullets first."

"Notify all the secret hospitals that house the gray death disease, wake up all the patients, inject purple blood if they can't wake up, and then cremate them to completely eliminate the possibility of them turning into ghosts."

"Lin Hao, Zhang Lide, the two most serious secret hospitals need your help."

"No matter what the cost, Li Gui must never be allowed to leave the hospital."

"They are the ghosts who became ghosts after being infected with the gray death disease, and they are extremely infectious."

Lin Hao and Zhang Lide were among the candidates to perform the Ghost Rider ceremony before.

They are also currently awakened among the seven ghost riders.

Has the powerful ability to kill ghosts.

"Yes." After Lin Hao and Zhang Lide nodded, they quickly disappeared.

"Xiao Zhang, you should contact the leaders of other countries, inform them of the current situation, and let them make all preparations."

"By the way, tell them that Su Chen has found the source of the gray death and has now begun to try to deal with it."

"If this thing can't be handled, its catastrophic is by no means all that is seen."

"There is a good chance it will shake the foundations of the world."


Under the command of Shi Jianlin, everyone took action.

"Su Chen, you must not have any trouble."

"I'd rather kill every patient infected with the gray death disease than have anything to do with you."

Su Chen is still unclear about the alien spirits that occur on Earth.

Even if he knew, he would not regret his decision.

Compared with the formed city of chaos, the alien spirits of the earth are really nothing.

At this time, he was still following the old lady.

The figure of the old lady disappeared into the tunnel ahead.

Passing through the tunnel, Su Chen was surprised to find that there is a third floor in Chaos City.

The good thing is that there is no building on the third floor.

It's a lot of flowers.

These flowers are so beautiful, like butterflies in flight.

They were all blood red, and at first glance, they seemed to be covered with a long blanket of blood.

The old lady walked forward numbly in the sea of ​​flowers.

Su Chen hesitated.

Because looking at it with bloody eyes, there are countless lonely and wild ghosts standing in this beautiful sea of ​​flowers.

They are like scarecrows, standing quietly.

"Since they've all come, it'll be in vain if you don't take a look."

Su Chen looked at the tattoo on his arm.

More than half of the tattoo has been consumed, and it is estimated that it will disappear completely in four or five hours.

The old lady obviously wanted to lure herself somewhere.

The lonely ghosts in the sea of ​​flowers are not a big threat to Su Chen, but they are a big threat to ordinary people.

"If those living people who have fallen asleep come here, once they touch the lonely ghosts in the sea of ​​​​flowers."

"There's a good chance they'll be taken away."

"Bring it back to Earth."

"Because of the ashes, it should have something to do with these lonely ghosts."

"But if they were killed before they turned to ashes, it is estimated that the ghosts they took away would go straight to the body."

Su Chen was a little distressed.

He believed that after he sent a message to Shi Jianlin, there must be a large area of ​​Variant Spirit events on the earth.

"Let's go and see what's at the end first?" Now worrying is superfluous.

Relying on the bloody eyes to avoid the lonely ghosts, he followed the old lady for more than an hour.

A stench of wind was blowing, and Su Chen heard the sound of running water.

Going forward for a while, Su Chen saw a big river.

The river is blood-yellow, and dense shadows can be seen swimming in it.

These shadows are not fish, but water ghosts.

The number of them is astonishing.

The flow of the river seems to be divided into three equal parts.

The flow is slow near the shore.

The 737 in the middle has a normal flow speed.

The flow close to the opposite side is extremely fast.

There is a strangely shaped stone on the bank of the river, on which is engraved the three words "Burning Head River."

At this time, the old lady had entered the river and walked towards the end of the river.

Looking at the end of the big river, Su Chen felt cold all over.

It was a door shrouded in black mist.

The big river flows slowly from behind the door.

"Accepting and attracting ghosts, it really is attracting ghosts."

"Then this river is the Burial River that attracts ghosts."

"City of Chaos really has something to do with the bronze stone gate."

At the same time, the task appeared: "Trigger the deep task: close the bronze stone gate in the deepest part of the city of chaos, do you accept it?"

Su Chen didn't have time to deal with the suddenly triggered task.

He just wants to get out of here now, and there is no way to go any further.

As soon as he turned around, he began to run wildly, and he was about to leave the city of chaos.

With his current strength, facing the ghost who appeared from behind the bronze stone gate, he was simply asking for his own death.

It is even more impossible to close the bronze stone door.

While Su Chen was running wildly, he heard the sound of the river water suddenly boil.

The lonely ghosts standing in the sea of ​​flowers raised their heads and looked at themselves.

The flower that was like a butterfly spreading its wings really turned into a butterfly at this time and started to fly.

The picture is beautiful.

But Su Chen knew that the more beautiful the place, the more dangerous it was.

Goosebumps have crawled all over the body.

Waving a three-pointed, two-edged spear, he roared, "Delusions are destroyed."

If he wants to leave the city of chaos, he must fight a bloody path in the sea of ​​flowers. .

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