Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

148: Not all myths are false [Five more] (1 / 1)\r

"Minister Su."

When Su Chen appeared, the blood hole surrounded three men and two women.

Their expressions were all very fanatical, and they looked at Su Chen with incomparable respect. "Hello, Minister Su."

"I'm Secretary Hanske of the U.S. Department of Special Operations."

A middle-aged man in military uniform appeared in front of him.

He speaks Chinese very poorly.

But speaking Chinese to Su Chen, it represents his respect.

He had participated in the battle between Su Chen and Qi Xiu before, and was in awe of Su Chen's strength.

Su Chen nodded and looked at the manor in front of him.

The manor is full of ghosts, and the appearance of ghosts makes even the light dim.

There are a large number of troops around.

The hail of bullets madly repelled these ghosts.

There are also a large number of corpses left.

It's been a long time since the fierce battle took place here.

"Since I'm here, let your people back down."

"Ordinary weapons can't kill ghosts."

"The removal of spirits has just been developed, and the number is insufficient. It is difficult for you to deal with the spirits here."

"Leave the rest to me."

Su Chen took out the gray and white sickle.

Throwing it back.

The gray-white sickle with a black afterimage penetrated one terrifying ghost after another.

The gray aura of death spread all over Li Gui's body and quickly turned to ashes.

The gap was so huge that Hanske's eyes almost fell.

Even the surrounding troops paused for a moment.

The Specter, who could not be killed by weapons, was cut to death by Su Chen's sickle.

"One more thing."

"I don't care how much democracy and freedom your country has."

"But the horror of the gray death disease is beyond your imagination."

"If this incident can't be handled, the dead can fill every inch of your country."

"It's a special time, and it's a special time."

"You should know what I mean."

Although Hanske was in a high position, he was a little afraid to look directly into Su Chen's eyes.

Su Chen's eyes are ferocious, which is definitely not something that humans can have.

Even evil spirits can't match Su Chen's eyes.

After all, although the evil ghost is strong, Su Chen can kill each other.

Over time, Su Chen's eyes were also stained with the ghost's resentment, viciousness, cruelty, madness and other weirdness.


"We will fully cooperate with Minister Su."

Hanske nodded quickly.

He felt that Su Chen was more terrifying than a ghost.

"That's good."

"Let your people evacuate, I'll finish here soon."

"You?" Su Chen looked at the psychic team around the blood hole.

"Minister Su, I'm the captain of the psychic team, called Meiya."

"Very good." Su Chen nodded: "Meiya, you should contact Mr. Shi to see if there are any other incidents in the manor. I will handle it together."

"I may not be able to come to Earth for a while after that."

"Okay, Minister Su." Meiya nodded quickly.

She looks quite beautiful, but Su Chen looked at her like a corpse without any fluctuation.

Maybe it's because the horror world has been in the world for a long time, or it may be because he has been in contact with ghosts for a long time. Su Chen's aesthetics and habits are no longer the same as those of the living.

"Cracked Spirit."

The third eye on the forehead opened, and a space crack appeared.

The ghosts of the manor were harvested on a large scale by Su Chen like straw, and there was no resistance at all.

City of Chaos Su Chen can't solve.

But most of the ghosts in the manor are ordinary ghosts, and there are even dead souls.

Such ghosts pose no threat to Su Chen.

But in the eyes of others, it seemed like a miracle.

"My God, is he a god?"

"Is he really from Huaxia?"

"Is this the power of God?"

Countless people exclaimed.

Shi Jianlin looked at Su Chen who was killing all directions on the screen, sweeping everything, and his eyes froze.

Su Chen is stronger, stronger than ordinary people can understand.

"Heroes in troubled times."

"The tide of changing times will always push some people to the top of the tide."

Shi Jianlin muttered to himself.

Even he didn't realize it, the look in Su Chen's eyes was filled with respect and enthusiasm.

No matter what era or world, the law of survival will always follow the law of the weak.

"Death tombstone."

Pointing to the sky, six tombstones descended, instantly imprisoning six ordinary ghosts.

Then the six tombstones disintegrated, and the buried six ordinary ghosts also disappeared.

Although there are many ghosts in the manor, none of them can stop Su Chen.

Enter the manor in one breath.

There are more ghosts in the manor, and most of the ghosts came out of the basement of the manor.

"Delusional destruction."

A terrifying air wave rolled over and swept the entire manor directly.

The Specter who were hit by the air wave turned into ashes and disappeared.

There are more ghosts piled up in the basement.

"That guy called Radley is stupid."

Su Chen saw the situation in the basement clearly.

Radley this guy should be a rich and ambitious man.

A small hospital was established in the basement of the manor.

It has a large number of hospital beds.

But there was no one in the hospital bed, only human-shaped ashes.

"Harming others and harming yourself, and wanting to bring the dead back to life is really a dream."

Chaos City is still growing because of these people.


As Shi Jianlin said, the darkness hidden in the earth may not be less than the horror world.

The only difference is that these darks hide under the light.

Su Chen quickly dealt with all the ghosts in the manor.

And he found research reports left by Radley.

Most of the patients in the basement were forcibly contracted the gray death disease in order to find a way to resurrect the dead.

Some of these patients were kidnapped or purchased, and most of them were people without identities.

"Walking through the water ghost arch bridge formed by Futou River."

"When you cross the bridge, the figure on the bridge will give you a bowl of water."

"Drink it and forget everything before you can cross the bridge."

"If you don't choose to drink it, you must jump into the Burial Head River."

"If you can persist for a hundred years without sinking, you can cross the bridge, go behind the door and take the person you miss back to the world."


Su Chen looked at Radley's research report.

His subjects have also been to the third floor of Chaos City.

These research reports should be tried by countless people with their lives.

"The figure on the bridge, give you a bowl of water, the water that can forget everything."

"Meng Po?"

"It shouldn't be, it should have ghost abilities similar to Madam Meng."

The figure Su Chen has also seen, but he has not contacted.

And Po Meng is the existence of the mythical underworld, standing on the Naihe Bridge.

Whether this was a coincidence Su Chen didn't know, but he had a more terrifying thought.

Things like the Grey Death happened a long time ago on Earth.

Someone walked onto the Water Ghost Bridge and saw the silhouette of the Water Ghost Bridge.

When this kind of phantom incident was resolved, things about the City of Chaos remained.

Passed down from generation to generation and described by others, the story slowly evolved into a myth.

The myth obscures the real story, but has some credibility.

"If you say that, the Earth has had Variant Spirit events from the very beginning, and it has suffered the erosion of the horror world."

"There are some people in the horror world who are earlier than the ghost riders, blocking the horrors from coming again and again."

"Continuous suppression, either destruction or explosion."

"Obviously, the coming of terror can no longer be suppressed, showing the strongest outbreak period."

Su Chen was frightened by his bold idea.

Generation after generation of suppression, generation after generation of replacement, finally broke out completely in the player's generation.

"Not all myths are false."

"There must be a part of the myth that hides some submerged truth." Su Chen murmured.

It seems that Shi Jianlin has to arrange for people to study the myth of the earth.

Although it is outrageous, there is no shortage of outrageous truths in this world. one.

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