Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

149: The most special era and the last era [six shifts] (1 / 1)\r

After dealing with the gray death incident in a part of the earth, Su Chen returned to the secret building again.

Shi Jianlin told Su Chen that it was just a while ago.

The number of gray death patients has increased rapidly.

Even many technical members of the classified building were infected with the gray death disease.

Shi Jianlin didn't know how he got infected.

At first it was thought to be a contact infection.

Since Zhang Qiuge regained consciousness, he gave an almost outrageous answer.

There may be line of sight cross infection.

If you see it, you may be infected with the gray death disease.

"You mean that Zhang Lao chose to be infected with the gray death disease."

Shi Jianlin sighed and nodded weakly.

Zhang Qiuge brought back a lot of precious information.

According to the stage of ashes turning to ashes, Zhang Qiuge is already in the middle stage.

Only six hours of waking time a day.

This time will continue to decrease.

"Damn." Su Chen smashed the table.

As a medical dean, Zhang Qiuge is an old man who deserves the respect of all "740".

"This matter cannot be delayed any longer."

"Shi Lao, I have a very important discovery, which is of great importance."

Su Chen recounted his speculation in a foreign manor.

In the deepest part of the chaotic city, there are stories of suspected mythical underworlds.

The first is full of blood-colored flowers.

These flowers can be called other shore flowers, which is a kind of hell flower specially designed by the underworld, which is brewed by the soul of the dead.

Then there is the Burial Head River.

Futou River has three flow rates, which is somewhat similar to the mythical Santu River, which can also be called Huangquan River.

The water ghosts of the Buried Tou River will build a water ghost arch bridge, which is suspected to be the Naihe Bridge.

There was a figure standing on the water ghost arch bridge, suspected to be Meng Po.

There are two ways to cross the bridge.

The first is to drink the water given to you by the shadow, forget everything, and enter the bronze stone gate, which is equivalent to reincarnation, but what will happen when you enter the bronze stone gate, no one knows.

The second is not to drink the water of human figures and escape into the Buried Tou River. If you haven't fallen for a hundred years, you can cross the bridge and take your closest relatives back to the world behind the door.

The resurrection of the dead is absolutely impossible.

Su Chen is more willing to believe that a ghost disguised as a loved one will be taken away.

Shi Jianlin also got goosebumps and his soul was trembling.

This speculation is simply too thoughtful.

"I suspect that the earth has suffered from alien events from the very beginning, and it has suffered the erosion of the horror world."

"A thousand years ago, or two thousand years ago, or even longer."

"Since there were ghost riders in the horror world a hundred years ago, that era was called the era of ghost riders."

"Then before the Ghost Rider, there may be people in the horror world, people from Earth, who are ancient people with a longer age."

"Because the myth records the situation of the underworld, it is very similar to the deepest part of the city of chaos."

"I guess that there was an outbreak of gray death on Earth."

"But it was finally resolved, and the matter was recorded."

"But because it was too old, it was finally passed down as a myth."

"We've always believed that myths are made up by people and are false."

"But now I think that not all myths are false, there must be a buried truth in them."

Hearing Su Chen's speculation, Shi Jianlin's breathing really froze, and his whole body couldn't stop shaking.

Because I really can't think about it.

"So I hope that you can arrange for people to study the myths handed down on the earth."

"See what might be true."

This is a huge engineering class.

Because the myths of the earth have been handed down for thousands of years, there are many versions, and each country has its own myths.

Most of these myths are false, but not all of them.

It is an extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive project to sift through the true stories.

"Well, I will arrange for someone to do the screening." Shi Jianlin was more serious than ever.

It is difficult, and there may even be no gain, but it must be found.

The sand is digging for gold, and there's always something real.

"Look out to three of the mythical characters."

"Ye Wang, Yang Jian, Chang'e."

The life and death book of the trench, which is suspected to be the mythical Hades, cannot be determined.

But for sure.

Yang Jian and Chang'e may have really existed.

Su Chen's mythical position is related to Yang Jian.

Three-pointed two-edged gun, black sky eye, black dog.

Tang Yi also triggered the unique mission.

She did not successfully transfer her class at this time, but she was the only player who successfully transferred her class to the Mythical position in her previous life.

The puzzle she needed Su Chen knew.

Extremely cold ribbons, moon trees, ghost rabbits.

Enough said, Su Chen can only ask Shi Jianlin for this matter.

"Hong Ling, Feng Ji, let's go."

This time back to the world of horror, Su Chen is ready to completely solve the chaos in the city.

Since someone has dealt with it before, it means that the city of chaos can be destroyed in advance.

However, with his current strength, it is difficult to solve the city of chaos.

He plans to go to Ghost Lake Town to see if the last piece of the puzzle, the black dog, is in Ghost Lake Town.

Anyway, in a word, only if you successfully transfer to a mythical profession, can you hope to deal with the city of chaos.

Mondo also came back at this time.

Tang Yi rode a small electric donkey and, relying on Mundo's perception, had already located the specific location of the Chaos City.

"The specific location has been determined?" Su Chen had to make sure.

Mundo nodded...  

During Su Chen's entry into Chaos City, Mundo has found the exact location of Chaos City.

The navigation on the little electric donkey also showed a detailed route to Chaos City.

"Tang Yi, you have to follow me."

"If I can deal with Chaos City, I can help you get the mythical occupation you triggered in advance."

Now that he met Tang Yi, Su Chen didn't plan to let her leave him.

Her intuition is too important to Su Chen.

Just like the way to enter Chaos City this time, without Tang Yi, Su Chen would not be able to come back.

"Okay." Tang Yi nodded and did not refuse.

Returning to the No. 10 bus, Li Qian set off directly to Guihu Town.

The difficulty of that dungeon has reached the town level, but there may be a black dog Su Chen needs in Guihu Town.

He had to go.

Looking out the window, Su Chen checked his personal information.

"4 Luck points are really useful."

At this moment, Su Chen realized how important special attribute points are.

My luck has reached 4 points.

Because of these 4 points of luck, I met Tang Yi by chance, because I was talking about Tang Yi at the time, thinking that it would be good if she was there.

Because of these 4 points of luck, when he was going to sleep with ashes, Gui Hua, Tang Yi and his three-pointed, two-blade spear gave him a safer way.

It definitely has something to do with luck.

After the Charisma value exceeds 10 points, you can communicate with those irrational evil spirits and lost murderers, and have a chance to restore their senses.

If the luck value exceeds 10 points, Su Chen suspects that he can meet anyone he wants to see, and he can arrive by coincidence wherever he wants to go, and some dangers will be reduced by various coincidences.

0.1 "Tang Yi, tell you something very unfortunate."

"If our generation of players cannot stop the horror from coming, humanity will become history." Su Chen told Tang Yi's speculation.

Generation after generation of suppression, generation after generation of replacement, finally broke out completely in the generation of their players.

Just like a water pump, it is constantly suppressed, and the water pressure inside it is getting bigger and bigger.

Sooner or later, the pump will burst due to pressure problems.

This is no longer a problem of suppression, but needs to be repaired or even replaced.

Unfortunately, this era is at the moment when the pump is about to burst.

"History?" Tang Yi's pupils shrank, and a sense of powerlessness swept through her body.

I didn't expect things to be so serious.

As Su Chen said at the beginning, players appear in the horror world, not just to survive.

Coming here, you have already shouldered some heavy responsibilities.

【Six more offers...】

[Old irons, let's support the data...].

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